Reports that Trump has let himself be bullied out of pardoning Assange, mistakenly believing Senate Republicans won't vote to impeach him if he caves.
Once he's out of power, they're going to vote to impeach him anyway. Which, well——that's one way to be remembered. #Politics
I've never understood the political fear of Libertarians.
"Sure, they're not in power now, but someday they might take over and... uh, leave you alone, I guess, since that's kind of their whole deal."
It's like being afraid of cats.
دیوار موش داره و موش گوش داره
When people are like "they gon microchip me to talk to the satellites," I'm like, my man: can you imagine how much people would pay for an unlimited-plan phone you never have to charge? And you think they're just gonna put it in you for free?
You don't even have insurance.
Or, you know, because I actually worked for the CIA and know exactly what they do. Or maybe I just opened a book at some point in my life.
I swear, these new-wave infowarrior types see the hidden hand of the Kremlin as the reason they got shorted a McNugget. Totally lost. twitter.com/OzKaterji/stat…
Here's a reason: I use it every day and I'm not dead yet. twitter.com/AstralWars/sta…
Absolute red alert: This is unbelievably naked retaliation for revealing extreme corruption at the highest levels of #Bolsonaro's administration, and an existential threat to investigative journalism in #Brazil. twitter.com/FreedomofPress…
That is a very big number. twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…
I designed a core backup system for the NSA (EPICSHELTER), and managed others at the CIA. They could survive war.
That the Secret Service's records disappeared the instant they became potential evidence is no accident, and no less criminal than the CIA destroying torture tapes.
Today Bitcoin was formally recognized as legal tender in its first country.
Beyond the headlines, there is now pressure on competing nations to acquire Bitcoin—even if only as a reserve asset—as its design massively incentivizes early adoption.
Latecomers may regret hesitating twitter.com/AaronvanW/stat…
Do not shut up about Apple's #spyPhone scandal. We can win this. twitter.com/matthew_d_gree…
Read this and tell me that the show trial of Assange doesn't read like something from Kafka. The judge permits the charges to be changed so frequently the defense doesn't even know what they are, the most basic demands are denied, no one can hear what the defendant says—a farce. twitter.com/kgosztola/stat…
Printing the truth is not a crime. twitter.com/thehill/status…
Apple and Google intend to push pandemic trackers into most of the world's smartphones. In response, @ACLU just published a whitepaper listing bottom-line principles phone-based contact-tracing systems must follow to comply with basic rights. Summary: aclu.org/news/privacy-t…
"Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."
Any effort by the state to claim a mission or authority regulating speech—especially speech it dislikes—is a willful violation of the limits imposed by the First Amendment, and it must be resisted. twitter.com/lhfang/status/…
Europe should not extradite those accused of non-violent crimes to a court system so unfair—and prison system so cruel—that native-born defendants would rather die than become subject to it. Julian Assange could be next.
Until the system is reformed, a moratorium should remain. twitter.com/PeterMcCormack…
Emmanuel Le Pen! twitter.com/FeizaBM/status…
The extradition of Julian Assange is a malicious prosecution by any standard. Even critics of the man ought to condemn this as a show trial. The "crime" in question is the greatest public service @wikileaks ever performed: exposing Iraq-era abuses.
Drop the charges. #FreeAssange twitter.com/StefSimanowitz…
Every day that I go on this website and scroll the broadcasted thoughts of famed intellectuals, icons, and official Washington, I leave with an uncomfortable suspicion that our species is regressing toward the animal—emotional, ignorant, violent, and distractible.
Is it just me?
Do you think other major internet companies are secretly aiding the US military's psychological operations?
Reporters (and Congress, and governments around the world) should be *all over* Facebook, YouTube, and Reddit for answers. Where there's smoke, there's fire. twitter.com/lhfang/status/…
The subtitles are very slightly more readable in this version of the video (via reddit).
This is absolutely wild. The government is secretly transforming "national security" agencies into a new Narrative Police.
“If a foreign government sent these messages,” said the former ACLU president, “there is no doubt we would call it censorship.”
Read the story: twitter.com/lhfang/status/…