Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Facebook-owned Whatsapp being down is a reminder that you and your friends should probably be using a more private, non-profit alternative like @signalapp anyway (or another open-source app of your choice). It's just as free, and takes like 30 seconds to switch. #facebookdown
Julian Assange is a political prisoner.
I've been working from home since the Obama administration. 🤔
Your smartphone broadcasts your exact location thousands of times per day to dozens of different companies. Each has the power to follow individuals wherever they go, in near-real time. That’s not a glitch in the system. It is the system. nytimes.com/interactive/20…
If you ever wonder where we're at on the dystopia scale, consider that it's normal to believe the government is spying on you, and crazy to believe that they're not.
Let me get this straight: you *want* governments and corporations to more tightly control the flow of information? Because someone said something problematic? All over the world, people are making the same mistake.
You are holding Julian Assange in a dungeon for exercising the freedom of expression you so ardently claim to defend. How about decriminalizing it at home before you take to a podium and point your finger abroad? twitter.com/thehill/status…
The White House sanctions and arrests kids for the "crime" of building privacy tools to protect you, while "regulators" were quietly palling around with the thieves who just robbed 5 million people. The difference? The thieves were big political donors. fortune.com/crypto/2022/11…
Israel just intentionally destroyed press offices in Gaza, giving only one hour's warning. Associated Press President "horrified that the Israeli military would target and destroy news organizations in Gaza." Imagine this was your home: apnews.com/article/israel…
This is the real reason Assange is in prison. #FreeAssange twitter.com/ggreenwald/sta…
Imagine killing an aid worker. Imagine killing his family too. Imagine seven of them were actually children, smiling little tots. Then just rising from your chair to grab a coffee and saying, "mistakes were made." This is absolutely unforgivable. twitter.com/AP/status/1455…
"Why Aren't Millennials Buying New Homes?" truly a mystery 🤔
I'm in Russia because the White House intentionally canceled my passport to trap me here. They *downed the President of Bolivia's diplomatic aircraft* to prevent me from leaving, and continue to interfere with my freedom of movement to this day. In case that was unclear. twitter.com/maxseddon/stat…
Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram all going down at the same time sure seems like an easily-understandable and publicly-popular example of why breaking up a certain monopoly into at least three pieces might not be a bad idea. Somebody should tell Elizabeth Warren.
"The Taliban is not the North Vietnamese army. There's gonna be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy of the United States from Afghanistan." —@JoeBiden, July 2021 twitter.com/StefSimanowitz…
Beware those who water the gardens of hatred and war.
Facebook is Facebook. Don't write about the name, write about what they do, because that's what matters. Paperwork doesn't change the nature of a thing.
I take payment in Bitcoin. twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…
Coinbase spending $16,000,000 on a Superbowl ad to direct people to their website and $0 to make sure that website doesn't crash 10 seconds after the ad starts is so very internet.
At the beginning of this year, every press freedom and human rights group in the world that matters called for Biden to drop the charges against Assange. Instead, his Justice Department just doubled down on persecuting him. Now you know why: twitter.com/wikileaks/stat…
There has been one constant across twenty years of occupation: the government lying to the people. twitter.com/queeralamode/s…
Sometimes I try to imagine a world where scientific young minds enjoyed greater rewards for revolutionizing, like, farming methods, manufacturing, or energy, rather than the dark patterns used to optimize ad-clicks at Google and Facebook. How did we get here?
After 25 years in the CIA: twitter.com/BankerWeimar/s…
Man, I should have thought of that one. twitter.com/Breaking911/st…
Allez voter. Si vous êtes jeune, si vous souffrez, ne laissez pas le système vous ignorer. Voter! Le pouvoir ne vous sera jamais simplement offert, il doit être gagné. Pour votre avenir, et l'avenir du monde, allez voter! #legislatives2022