This quotes one of the judges at the European Court of Human Rights today. It is hard to overemphasize how far we've come from the pre-2013 world when even the highest judicial authorities are beginning to acknowledge the devastating consequence of two decades' mass surveillance: twitter.com/silkiecarlo/st…
every day we stray further from god twitter.com/LizMair/status…
anybody with a flag emoji can only see tweets from other people with flag emoji
twitter wins the nobel peace prize
Currently writing: Under His 'i'
If you own an iPhone, you should probably make sure you're on the mailing list at edwardsnowden.substack.com.
Imagine using all those capital letters and still nobody hears you.
Thread twitter.com/fightfortheftr…
Going to be a big week. twitter.com/PleasrDAO/stat…
Montesquieu on checks and balances, 1748: "When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, there can be no liberty."
American politicians, 2021: "Liberty is your check adding to my balance." twitter.com/dellcam/status…
This is the most important report you will read today. twitter.com/RonDeibert/sta…
cc @SenWarren every cable news show just called and said they want you to come on every night this week and be mean to Facebook.
“I remember all of the day’s misinformation very clearly, and I also remember this, and I wish I did not: I remember that no one was surprised.”
Joan Didion
if 2024 is trump vs biden again you're all getting sent to your room without supper. probably more literally than any of us expect. twitter.com/PollTrackerUSA…
The most frustrating part of the Biden's Afghanistan messaging is that everyone already agrees that leaving is the right choice.
Instead he fearfully argues against positions no one holds while refusing to contend with the actual evacuation.
He could have reached people. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
The government's new declassification reforms are... classified.
"Some things are truly crooked." twitter.com/saftergood/sta…
Thieving people's medical supplies and then just... throwing them on the ground is a level of villainy the people who write scripts for cartoons would reject as unrealistic.
The founder of Visa's tweets are so incredibly dark I have trouble believing it's a real account. twitter.com/deewhock/statu…
WaPo's editorial solution to the NSO scandal is so embarrassingly weak that it is itself a scandal. These companies (and their hosts) claim "transparency, accountability, and licensing requirements" are already in place!
You ask for less than nothing.
European lawmakers, data regulators, and privacy authorities must recognize that It is time to revise your approach to the internet giants, who have for the entirety of the post-2013 era actively, intentionally sabotaged the process of reform.
@ACLU The Supreme Court once said, "It is difficult for the People to accept what they are prohibited from observing.”
That’s why I blew the whistle in the first place: the public has a right to know decisions that redefine the territory of their rights.
Wild, I know, but in light of the historic NSA ruling closing the book on the whistleblower question this week, and the fact that Espionage Act charges prohibit a public interest defense, it seems like something local and national campaign reporters might ask of their candidates. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Freedom is not a goal, but a direction.