Every day we walked farther than this just to get to school. Surely kids are doing the same today. Is that "child endangerment?"
@punk6529 You get used to it.
Two men posture over who is the toughest. Pressured by fear of the leering crowd's judgment, they refuse to negotiate, instead swearing ever-deeper vows as to the pain that is coming.
There are no victors.
To remember 9/11 means confronting the fact that the carnage and abuses that marked my young adulthood were born not only in the executive branch and the intelligence agencies, but also in the hearts and minds of all Americans, myself included.
"The Central Intelligence Agency and another agency that officials wouldn’t name remain undecided between the lab-leak and natural-transmission theories, the people who have read the classified report said."
Congressman: twitter.com/mattgaetz/stat…
"What disturbs me more is not the censorship itself, but how it shapes the ideology of people.
With dissenting information being eliminated, every website becomes a cult, where the government and leaders have to be worshipped."
A global concern.
If the legitimacy of the courts come into question at the same time the legitimacy of our elections come into question, from what well does the government draw a mandate to govern? twitter.com/ACLU/status/14…
Hopefully he's feeling nice and rested after that timely vacation. twitter.com/kaitlancollins…
A radical sharpening of tone is occurring in economic discussions—with deepening convictions as to the assignation of blame—as the ailing currencies of the prior century succumb at last to diseases born from generations of neglect.
This has happened before.
It will get worse.
Just hours before I sat down to draft this, the President of the United States gave a speech in which he tried to defend the honor of this war—a defense that is frankly offensive, and that I think most offends the families of the injured and the dead.
On the @11thHour with Brian Williams, many were surprised to hear I sought pardon for #RealityWinner and others, rather than myself. But the President can end the war on whistleblowers at the stroke of a pen—and should. Watch here: youtube.com/watch?v=zQUEbp…
This is the most interesting mobile security project I've seen in a very long time, by one of technology's brightest minds. Keep an eye on it.
(Here's an academic paper we wrote together on hacking the iPhone—for which he did by far the hardest work: tjoe.org/pub/direct-rad… ) twitter.com/bunniestudios/…
Happy Mother's Day, darlin.
Welcome to the world, son. twitter.com/lsjourneys/sta…
“...The government had access to my private emails and were sharing them with Congress and leaking them to the media. I felt invaded by my own government, punished for leading a civil rights organization.”
"trump's sophisticated seven-part plan."
oh sure, let's bet the future of an entire party on a historically unpopular ruling class's ability to persuade everyone that the same guy who can't maintain his focus through even seven sentences was secretly a mastermind. this is wise.
This is an evacuation from an active war zone. If an American shows up at the airport and says "this is my family," I don't care if they're followed by three mice and a giraffe—you let them in.
Quibbling about visas and stamps can happen when the plane lands on the other side. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
There were two phases of my life: when I was unable to get up in the morning, and when I had kids.
congratulations on inventing LinkedIn: The Game
good luck with your stock price twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Among the “crimes” that Hale was convicted was exposing the secret watchlisting rulebook used to label people, including U.S. citizens, as “known or suspected terrorists” without evidence that they did anything wrong.
Apple's system was never designed to protect children, as they would have you believe, but rather to protect their brand.
Thread. twitter.com/BMarchetich/st…
Very few on either side of modern conflicts are thinking critically about the consequences of their methods. Scarce are the genuine attempts at persuasion, and what passes for argument has become the tired recitation of slogan and slur.
Amidst fire, we slumber and calcify.
"Good news, sir! There's enough money in the budget to build that global surveillance system you asked for, as long as we put off affordable housing policies til next year."
Repeat forever. twitter.com/Snowden/status…