Child with a face covered in crumbs: "A poor internal labeling of cookie-related jars meant that I was substantially off on my sense of my parents' margin." twitter.com/SBF_FTX/status…
Question for actual-scientist Twitter: how long until we have a reasonable (but tentative) grasp of Omicron's novel characteristics? How many weeks are we talking?
You could literally check boxes to opt-in to community moderation lists. You can outsource these decisions to people you trust. There is a whole universe of possibility out there, and every point within it is superior to letting some underpaid Facebook drone decide what you read.
“Secret law prevents the public from understanding and shaping the law and thus inhibits democratic accountability; disables checks on governmental abuses of law; and weakens the quality of the law itself."
Will the Supreme Court hear @ACLU's challenge?
The Legislature is broken. twitter.com/justinamash/st…
The first authoritative, fairly even-handed account of how the press got played during the 2016 scandal season is well worth reading. There are a number of causal connections that were overlooked (or ignored) at the time, which seem clearer in hindsight.
If your newsroom handles tips from confidential sources, you should take a look at this. The new @SecureDrop Workstation is a huge step forward. This is the kind of tool I wished we had had during the global mass surveillance scandal. twitter.com/SecureDrop/sta…
If there's an invasion tomorrow, dunk on me because I have been spectacularly wrong.
But remember, too that the source of my skepticism is that the US IC has (again) been making truly spectacular claims without presenting any evidence -- because you did not require it of them.
No matter what side of the aisle you're on, everyone agrees 2016 was an ugly, ugly election: two parties ready to burn civility to the ground in a mad contest for power at any price.
The core question today is if 2024 will be better... or worse. twitter.com/ggreenwald/sta…
If you are reporting on or at all interested in the legal aspects of yesterday's NSA court ruling, you will want to read this thread by the brilliant @AlexanderAbdo. He's the one who actually argued the case in front of the court for @ACLU! twitter.com/AlexanderAbdo/…
"The question we're facing today is should we leave Afghanistan? Of course we should. As soon as we can," he said. "If we don't, we'll be there for another decade would be my prediction." newsweek.com/ron-paul-was-r…
Imagine having your columnist *murdered* and responding with a whispered appeal for the architects of that murder to fill out more paperwork next time. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
cheems bb no what is you doing arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20…
It is a tremendous indictment of our system that no President of either party cared to address this historically harsh sentence for a single count of whistleblowing. She had to make it through without them -- and even despite them. Respect.
Strength to her and her family. twitter.com/alisongrinter/…
No, I don't use Wickr. The point is that in 2021, you can't credibly purport to provide a secure app when you
a) take money from the CIA and
b) literally give the CIA a seat on your board of directors.
PBS tries like three different ways to get a soundbite out of @aiww to support the most oppressive US press-freedoms case in decades, and he is absolutely not having it.
You should read his new book, 1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows, which I reviewed here: edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/culturalrevo… twitter.com/FiringLineShow…
You think you understand the nature of difficulty, and then you try to teach a baby to be patient.
Has there been a single point in the last twentysome years where it has been possible to stomach a news report on the foreign-policy thinking of anonymously-quoted "senior US officials" without suffering a cringing sense of embarrassment?
We really haven't been sending our best.
“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex (MIC).” — President Eisenhower
How did we do?
"Nothing will fundamentally change," he said.
State supremacy is threatening to become the global ideology of the new century. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
It is, in a dark way, psychologically reassuring to say, "Oh, everything is monitored and there's nothing I can do. I shouldn't bother." The problem is that it's not true. twitter.com/naomibrockwell…
Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: “the perception in the US, in Europe and the media is a narrative of Taliban momentum, and a narrative of Taliban victory. And we need to... try to turn that perception, that narrative around.”
More focused on optics than evacuation