Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

There is only one message here that matters: "We should have left long ago. It was a mistake to stay this long, and it was a mistake for me to delay evacuation until now. But I am committed to correcting that mistake." Whatever this is, it is not that.
You go to hell with the army you have, not the army you wish you had. twitter.com/jeremyscahill/…
This, in sum, is our problem: the truest conspiracies meet with the least opposition. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/conspiracy-p…
Traphouse just got cable Stuntin' on the neighbors The cable man was the feds though twitter.com/TMZ/status/135…
Children are wonderful. I can lazily waggle my fingers, and my son is dripping with smiles, totally enraptured by the unlimited possibility of being. Adults watch world-champion gymnastics and are like, "Didn't exactly nail that landing, did she?"
Roskomnadzor (Russia's censorship bureau) is attempting to block one of the most important rights-respecting networks in the world without issuing so much as a press release. This is like banning the entire cell phone network because a drug dealer used it—without explanation. twitter.com/torproject/sta…
Det er uforståelig for meg at en nasjon som er så geografisk velsignet og politisk sofistikert, da Norge noen gang frivillig ville omfavne infrastrukturen for masseovervåking. Dette forslaget er en forbrytelse mot den liberale tradisjonen. nrk.no/ytring/masseov…
This. Sure, taking a phone to a protest is unsafe, but *going* to a protest is unsafe, because the problem isn't your phone—it is the decades of authoritarianism that made it a weapon. Your phone will be safe when everyone is safe, and that won't come without taking some risk. twitter.com/sarahjeong/sta…
“What’s happening in our country,” the President said, “is not normal.” If only that were true. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/americas-ope…
My infant son has just discovered he can sit up on his own, and quickly went mad with power. It's well past bedtime, but I still hear him trying to decree that the Age of Sleep has ended.
More and more governments are seeking to arrogate unto themselves the title of "arbiter of truth." A dangerous trend. twitter.com/BigBrotherWatc…
Worry not about the highest inflation since the collapse of the Soviet Union, fellow citizen. The people in charge know what they're doing, and you can be sure that they will always put your interests first. wsj.com/articles/us-in…
Encryption is the foundation of modern security. thenextweb.com/news/edward-sn…
"Apple restricts the access researchers have to iOS in a way that limits the ability of consumers to discover when they’ve been hacked." washingtonpost.com/technology/202…
I have eaten the positions that were in the orderbook and which you were probably saving for retirement Forgive me they were margined so deep and so liquid
@FBI Tell that to Daniel Hale, Reality Winner, Chelsea Manning, and Thomas Drake.
A story of the government spying on journalists should not be buried on a Friday: washingtonpost.com/national-secur…
The DEA refused to answer questions about whether it used this (or other) spyware against Americans abroad, or about how the agency handled Americans' information — messages, phone contacts or other records — that the agency "obtained" when using it against others. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
At some point, the DNC/corporate-media blob may want to reconsider whether sabotaging the candidate with a genuine, lifelong focus on the struggles of the working class was really the galaxy-brain play they imagined. (Source: news.gallup.com/poll/388781/po… )
The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks twitter.com/financialjuice…
People clowning on The @guardian for doing news explainers on Tik Tok about 9/11 and the Taliban should bear in mind that about one in four Americans today were not even *born* until after 9/11. They weren't even children when it happened. We're just that old. twitter.com/tadejstrok/sta…
Wer hätte es wissen können? twitter.com/BVerfG/status/…
Start the year off right: join the 20,000 who have already signed to oppose the US government's indefinite detention of Chelsea Manning -- a situation the United Nations' Rapporteur has just found legally equivalent to torture. #FreeChelsea twitter.com/fightfortheftr…