Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

中文读者和翻译联手、协助将我的第一本书《永久记录》之中经审查被删除的章节还原,现在我们将中文完整版免费提供全世界读者,请下载并分享。a.temporaryrecord.com twitter.com/aiww/status/12…
Normally I would suspect an article like this of blame-shifting, but once you see that picture of the military successfully cramming 600+ refugees on a single plane, you realize if they had started even one week earlier, it would have made the difference. usnews.com/news/world/art…
Look, @Apple has so much money that they literally don't know what to do with it — like $190 billion cash on hand. They could launch a Manhattan Project to secure the future of personal devices, rather than just keeping pace with industry. Think different, guys. Revolutionize! twitter.com/Snowden/status…
The only rights we enjoy are those we defend. twitter.com/kylepope/statu…
Yeah, China censoring the ending of Fight Club was bad but at least they left Star Wars alo—oh #ChinaEditChallenge
This is my way of saying that if you're a university student pursuing agricultural science, I wish you a long and happy life. We don't deserve you.
Why is "Civil War" trending? Are they bombarding Fort Sumter? Is there a massacre on Pratt Street? Is the infantry advancing on Gettysburg?
If the Patriot Act was produced in a flash, behind the scenes secret systems for mass surveillance were being built at even greater speed. One of the most audacious plans was drafted by nightfall on the day of 11 September itself. theguardian.com/world/2021/sep…
*Returning* to vacation while the news plays side-by-side footage of people falling to their deaths trying to cling to escaping aircraft is truly difficult to understand. At this point his advisers should be charged with political malpractice. twitter.com/JakeSherman/st…
In a just society, there are no prisons except for people that make kitchenware demand an internet connection. twitter.com/isislovecruft/…
Maybe after today's story that the government literally plotted to murder Assange, this White House will finally stop stonewalling the press pool over the dubious charges against him—the single biggest press freedom case in the United States. mediaite.com/tv/i-emailed-y…
Between 1999 and 2014, the percentage who imagine the Sun revolves around the Earth *went up*. In this kind of world, time I spend on politics increasingly feels like a mistake. Drowning in the tide of imbeciles, we nod to sermons from the flotsam. abcnews.go.com/US/quarter-ame…
children of the world unite twitter.com/LizMair/status…
Today, the country this describes is Afghanistan. Tomorrow, the country this describes might be my own. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/kabul
elon was right to back out
before you complain about me not citing your random coin with a market cap of $37 that is developed by forest animals in romania, remember that bitcoin is essentially shorthand for cryptocurrency and also your time is better spent making little outfits for the animals to wear
The more censorship happens at this level, the more its very existence is hidden from the public. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/on-censorshi…
Into the trash it goes. vice.com/en/article/y3d…
"Those who did [the hacking] were looking to take undue advantage of their position of power... It is an attack on the democratic foundations of our country. It must be thoroughly investigated and those responsible be identified and punished.” theguardian.com/news/2021/jul/…
Wrong. If I can in one command pull a blocklist of mean tweets you don't like (see pictures), there's no reason @elonmusk can't add a tool for you to auto-block people talking about your personal list of "things I don't want to see." It's not hard. Corps just give you bad tools. twitter.com/DrunkVoltron/s…
This mutant strain has become its own pandemic—one that leaves us in denial about our ability to create change. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/the-new-deni…
One history of the Internet is the history of the individual's disempowerment, as governments and businesses both sought to monitor and profit from what had fundamentally been a user-to-user or peer-to-peer relationship. (Read the rest here: edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/lifting-the-…)
This 2014 story of the NSA and FBI using FISA warrants to spy on a slate of ordinary Americans--including a Republican campaign--was almost entirely ignored by major media at the time. Hard to imagine how differently it would be covered today. twitter.com/ggreenwald/sta…
So: @telegram knows the below account is an impersonator, and I don't have an account with them. But they let this guy continue to post insane garbage—as "Official_EdwardSnowden"—and even a swastika, which Telegram has served to over 80,000 views. Great job, guys. Just super. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
The greatest conspiracies are open and notorious. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/conspiracy-p…