Would you risk prison to expose the truth? She did, and it cost her five years.
Let's pay her back.
Too many have been content to accept the US government’s determination that what should properly be the highest purpose of the media — the uncovering of truth, in the face of attempts to hide it — is suddenly in doubt and quite possibly illegal.
Téléphonez à vos amis parisiens et sortez-les du lit. #LEGISLATIVES2022 twitter.com/mavielnicolas/…
Politifact: True ✔️
The good news: We're all going to be billionaires.
The bad news: A gallon of milk costs 2.6 trillion dollars.
@4functions Use private payment systems that are decentralized and independent of state authority.
"Not a journalist," chants the mob, unwittingly lobbying for the rights to speak and publish to be afforded only to a class of corporate media businesses consecrated by the state.
It doesn't matter if Assange is a hobo on a soapbox: the First Amendment protects everyone equally.
Every time I use @Blender, I'm blown away by what free and open source software can achieve. I honestly don't know how they do it. It's a monument. blender.org/download/
This gaggle of spies and neos ran a disinformation campaign against the biggest corporate newsdesks in the world, knowingly misrepresenting ordinary Twitter users who simply disagreed with their politics as foreign agents and dupes.
Incredible thread blowing the hoax wide open: twitter.com/mtaibbi/status…
The semantic contortions the government engages in for the pageantry of a "National Whistleblower Day"—while refusing to acknowledge any of the actual whistleblowers it put in prison (such as the source of the revelation below)—are more than offensive. They are shameful. twitter.com/DevlinBarrett/…
Claims regarding the death of warrantless domestic surveillance were greatly exaggerated: vice.com/en/article/88n…
The primary result of the classification system is not an increase in national security, but a decrease in transparency. Without meaningful transparency, there is no accountability, and without accountability, there is no learning.
Listen to her. twitter.com/evacide/status…
Am I the only one who found Stardew Valley a beautiful experience, but Animal Crossing painfully, almost aggressively bland?
This is the most significant 4th Amendment victory in quite some time, and will have national (and hopefully via norms, international) impact.
We have a reasonable expectation that our daily movements will not be persistently monitored, and Baltimore violated that. twitter.com/ACLU/status/14…
Spotting guide for attacks on whistleblowers:
1) Extraordinary claims made without evidence (she gave information to the Chinese, he got people killed)
2) Demands for obedience to process ("proper channels!") with no consideration for the consequences
3) Personal dislike
You're the @washingtonpost. Blowing open the government's unconstitutional mass surveillance program, you win the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service.
A few years later, you invite those who committed what *the courts ruled a crime* to rewrite history.
Did you imagine you'd see democracy dismantled in your lifetime?
Eventually, each of us confronts in ourselves the question of if and how we will fight for it. twitter.com/justinamash/st…
Hacking the NSA is easier than parenting. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
"...the Council demands crypto-asset service providers (CASPs) to apply customer due diligence measures when carrying out transactions amounting to €1000 or more, AND ADDS MEASURES TO MITIGATE "RISKS" IN RELATION TO SELF-HOSTED WALLETS." twitter.com/Snowden/status…
@elonmusk It's crazy to me that people think content moderation is a binary between "corporate gods must decide for us who is permitted to speak" or "my timeline will be filled with racism and torture videos." There are other, better alternatives.
The greatest gift is the love we share. @lsjourneys twitter.com/lsjourneys/sta…
it's not VR if i can't get into a fistfight with kermit the frog
One of the funniest things about Twitter is seeing which tweets people will absolutely smash the like-button for, but are simultaneously terrified to retweet.