every time i see some big name completely furious—just absolutely losing their monocle—over the idea that someone might dare disagree with the white house, it makes me tweet a little harder
Once you wake up to the idea that the world has been patterned, intentionally or unintentionally, in ways you don’t agree with, you can begin to change it. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/conspiracy-p…
We have built databases of ruin—archives of intensely-detailed personal records so vast as to hold every individual life at ransom.
The inevitable leaks are ineradicable, and cannot be cleaned up: "The Internet never forgets." In time, the mosaic will leave no life unrevealed. twitter.com/opinion/status…
"A free press can be good or bad, but without freedom, the press will never be anything but bad."
As someone called worse things by bigger names, lawsuits against newspapers over hurt feelings—and even false claims—are not the answer. Won't fix people, but will harm rights. twitter.com/greg_price11/s…
Jack is one of the only folks willing to speak a hard truth: a site that answers one censorship demand inevitably finds itself facing millions. It will never be free.
Censorship might help your business, but it hurts society. The moderation problem requires a different answer. twitter.com/jack/status/16…
In secret, a tiny coterie of generals and affiliated hawks led the United States to the brink of initiating a voluntary nuclear war with China and "very likely" the Soviet Union.
It is shocking that there has not been more attention paid to this story by media—or government. twitter.com/DanielEllsberg…
Netanyahu's reaction to his police's abuse of Pegasus reminds me of Merkel's reaction to NSA mass surveillance: when the victims were "merely" the global public, she dutifully papered over it.
Only when her own name was discovered on the target list did it become a true scandal.
ok boomer twitter.com/DeItaone/statu…
“Panic made us politically vulnerable. That vulnerability was exploited by our own government to entitle itself to radically expanded powers that had for decades been out of reach.” theguardian.com/world/2021/sep…
@NSAGov Look, I'm just saying if a fat man comes down my chimney, I'm not taking any chances.
This possibility is frankly so terrible to me it is difficult to even contemplate. I still remember red scars on the streets of Sarajevo, the "Sarajevska ruža" remembering those killed by mortar fire.
Kyiv is bigger than Sarajevo. Than Grozny. Than Fallujah.
Just unthinkable. twitter.com/KevinRothrock/…
It's impossible to replace a default @Windows installation with a Linux distro without feeling better about yourself.
...or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
Big: The FBI secretly abused the same authority that caused a mass surveillance scandal under Obama in a new way to monitor connections to an unidentified US website. When Congress asked about it, the Director of National Intelligence initially lied—before being caught by DOJ. twitter.com/charlie_savage…
This is not a drill. twitter.com/matthew_d_gree…
Daniel Ellsberg is challenging the constitutionality of the Espionage Act—openly breaking the law to expose an insane Pentagon plan to use pre-emptive nuclear strikes on mainland China in a Taiwan conflict, despite US officials considering nuclear retaliation "very likely." twitter.com/charlie_savage…
The obsession with platforms prostrating themselves before advertisers has always been misplaced, because on any scale longer than one bad news cycle, advertisers go where the audience is.
Optimize platforms for people, not brands, because people have a choice. Brands don't. twitter.com/balajis/status…
(Thread:) This is the reality of the fully commercialized mainstream internet: an indigestible mass of shortest-form opinions, purposefully selected by algorithms to agitate us on platforms that are designed to record and memorialize our most agitated, reflexive responses. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Since learning of the NSA's mass surveillance program, the EU's top court has repeatedly ruled that the "data-sharing agreements" which feed the beast are unlawful end-runs around our human rights.
But each time, the US just stamps another agreement:
Read about the Biden, Trump, and Obama officials who accepted blood money from the NSO group to bury any efforts at accountability -- even *after* their involvement in the death and detention of journalists and rights defenders around the world! washingtonpost.com/technology/202…