Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

The man who oversaw the Top Secret investigation into my work in exposing the NSA's unconstitutional system of mass surveillance now believes "we are in a better place" because I came forward. He disputes the methods, but admits it was net-good. In another decade, I'll be home. twitter.com/shanvav/status…
Intolerance and the ruthless self-interest of political parties have so damaged the foundation of nationhood—the willingness to cooperate with one's neighbor—that I fear we have already witnessed the failure of some the greatest states of our era. We just don't realize it.
This is the systematic construction of a surveillance state that will dominate the rest of our lives. People brushing this off with "duh" or "I'm not surprised" should take this seriously: elections are months away. Vote out any politician who defends this in the slightest way. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Every serious press freedom organization in the world is calling for Assange's release, and yet the government absolutely refuses to comment—because they know nothing they say can justify such a clear act of political repression. twitter.com/RSF_inter/stat…
It doesn't really matter how you feel about the Jan. 6th stuff: bureaucrats destroying government records to keep them out of the public's hands should land every single person involved in jail. It is a crime against the public's right to know.
What happened to us?
The US Secretary of State really thought "Yes, this is the lecture I want to give the day before we demand Julian Assange be extradited and thrown in a dungeon for publishing evidence of our war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan." Can't wait to hear more on not jailing dissidents. twitter.com/StateDept/stat…
Custodial exchanges were a mistake.
Pretty funny how even after all this time, the guy still hasn't realized that without a Twitter account, he doesn't exist.
Enormous: official confirmation of the allegations regarding Israeli hacking-for-hire company NSO Group's involvement in targeted attacks on EU journalists. If they will do it in France, they will do it anywhere. Shut them down—ban the exploit trade. theguardian.com/news/2021/aug/…
I know a lot of folks in the comments read this are like "YAAAAS," which, like—I get it. But imagine for a moment a world that exists for more than the next 13 days, and this becomes a milestone that will endure.
Without journalists to tell the story, the public would not have known about it. Without human right lawyers defending that public, the courts would not have cared about it. Without those courts, politicians would still be denying it. I could not have done this alone. twitter.com/arusbridger/st…
This was more than 15 years ago now, but at the actual CIA, the default password used by the systems engineering team for *all kinds* of things was basically "password1234". Not a joke. twitter.com/bankman_fraud/…
They spied on the opposition. They spied on judges, journalists, and even teachers. They spied on their wives and children, their doctors -- and priests. It is unbelievable how deep this story goes. theguardian.com/news/2021/jul/…
Apple plans to modify iPhones to constantly scan for contraband: “It is an absolutely appalling idea, because it is going to lead to distributed bulk surveillance of our phones and laptops,” said Ross Anderson, professor of security engineering. ft.com/content/14440f…
For people who don't actually click through to news stories, this is the best thread summarizing today's biggest story, on the government's secret plans to kill or kidnap a journalist whose reporting they dislike: twitter.com/kgosztola/stat…
The distinction between neoliberal and neoconservative seems to have disappeared—the neos each push for the same self-destructive wars, corporate domination of politics, and unlimited authoritarian power. On the issues that matter, a neo is a neo. Don't differentiate. Retaliate.
Bitcoin fixes this. twitter.com/business/statu…
twenty years of war and we're back where we started. at least the politicians & military-industrial complex that forced it on us for personal profit will be forced to give back most of the public's $6,400,000,000,000 to avoid jail time—right? ...right? brown.edu/news/2019-11-1…
The human cost of the White House's choice to delay our withdrawal for political purposes is absolutely stunning. twitter.com/nytimes/status…
Politicians take note: smearing whistleblowers and publishers with obvious bullshit no longer gets you showered in likes, it gets you ratioed by a furious public. It is time to end the war on whistleblowers.
I was looking to understand why @nntaleb was cyber-bullying a young woman who writes on economics, and I stumbled upon a frankly unbelievable history of inability to handle even gentle criticism—by a man who titled his book "Antifragile." This behavior goes back years.
That's @signalapp, for those who don't speak Elon. twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…
If you're in media, you should be following this. The number of violent attacks on journalists by police we've seen during the #GeorgeFloyd protests is unprecedented in the history of our work. twitter.com/uspresstracker…