"Before 9/11, it was the war on drugs. Now it’s corona. It’s ongoing. The so-called security apparatus always produces new narratives of fear conducive to expanding its powers, and 9/11 was one more crisis it tried to exploit."
Imagine the government hacking your phone, stealing some old photo of you in a swimming pool, and then leaking it alongside a lie that it was taken by some horrible boss they want people to think you're screwing.
Sound crazy? Read the story: twitter.com/FreedomofPress…
The US gov, through the FBI, had the censorship units at major internet platforms on speed dial.
Public figures that claimed such a year ago were cast out of polite society as lunatics. When it is now established to be true, the same polite people now shrug: "Trust the ruler." twitter.com/mtaibbi/status…
So... if nobody shows up for the invasion Biden scheduled for tomorrow morning at 3AM, I'm not saying your journalistic credibility was instrumentalized as part of one of those disinformation campaigns you like to write about, but you should at least consider the possibility. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
VC guys keep trying to make cryptocurrency a global standard by spending billions to invent less-attractive versions of Bitcoin, instead of just buying payment-system companies to make the most common cash registers and apps support crypto payments by default.
Pro-gamer move.
This looks like it produces a global (hash) database of people's iris scans (for "fairness"), and waves away the implications by saying "we deleted the scans!"
Yeah, but you save the *hashes* produced by the scans. Hashes that match *future* scans.
Don't catalogue eyeballs. twitter.com/sama/status/14…
Imagine if Facebook's infrastructure team decided now was the moment to go on strike. It would be historic: twitter.com/Vagabending/st…
After Israel destroys offices of *more than a dozen* press outlets in Gaza, CPJ issues statement expressing concern "that the Israel Defense Forces are deliberately targeting media facilities in order to disrupt coverage of the human suffering in Gaza."
Imagine a Cheney inviting people to compare body counts. Facts:
* Despite 7 years of investigation, the US has never identified a single casualty of my whistleblowing (there are none).
* The Cheneys' wars caused more than 50,000 US casualties since 2000: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_St… twitter.com/Liz_Cheney/sta…
Since you actually have time to read something that matters now that Facebook is down, allow me to suggest a quick little piece on the thinking that got us into the mess in the first place:
If you're reading the story today about the US's planned kidnapping or killing of Julian Assange, recall that Wikileaks began noticing teams of people appearing outside around the same time. (note the date in the upper right of video). twitter.com/wikileaks/stat…
People have been angry at me for a long time for saying the thing they'd rather not hear. It's fine, I'm used to it; but let me tell you: it never gets easier.
Russia's most famous opposition leader, @navalny, has been rushed to the hospital, with reports that poison is suspected. If confirmed, it is a crime against the whole of Russia. There can be no democracy without dissent.
Daniel Hale was charged under the Espionage Act for the "crime" of exposing the classified fact that nearly 90% of those the government kills via drone are innocents and bystanders. 90%.
Hale should be pardoned. Reality Winner should be pardoned. End the war on whistleblowers. twitter.com/democracynow/s…
CNN says the White House is discussing a new plan to expand domestic, warrantless surveillance of Americans—by paying private companies to infiltrate and report on the private social media groups of those it categorizes as "suspected extremists." edition.cnn.com/2021/05/03/pol…
Did you imagine "prison ships in the Bronx" in your cyberpunk dystopia? This should not be real, but it is: a floating black hole in the biggest of cities. Watch it. twitter.com/ava/status/139…
This will be the future: a world of people too busy playing with their phones to notice that someone else controls them.
I am not at all disappointed to go unpardoned by a man who has never known a love he had not paid for. But what supporters of his remain must never forgive that this simpering creature failed to pardon truth-tellers in far more desperate circumstances:
Treason—and for good reason. #July4th
Absent sweeping reform, this is the whole world in ten years. Remember: both parties in the US defend mass surveillance programs. China's "advantage" here is not technological, but that there's no strong civil opposition to slow the descent into nightmare. nytimes.com/2019/12/17/tec…
If you judge a man by his enemies, I'm doing pretty well. twitter.com/ggreenwald/sta…
Most of your money exists not as something folded in your wallet, but as an entry in a bank’s database, faithfully requested and rendered beneath the glass of your phone.
If someone else gets to decide *if* and *how* you can spend it, is it really yours?
every day this site has people just absolutely volcanic over something that will never matter
see you tomorrow
After years of separation from our parents, my wife and I have no desire to be separated from our SONS.
After two years of waiting and nearly ten years of exile, a little stability will make a difference for my family. I pray for privacy for them—and for us all. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
I'm not suspended from the ceiling above a barrel of acid by a rope that burns a little faster every time I tweet, you concern-trolling ghouls. I've just lost any confidence I had that sharing my thinking on this particular topic continues to be useful, because I called it wrong.