Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Starting to feel like this press conference was a mistake.
You made me believe in happy endings. I love you, darlin. twitter.com/lsjourneys/sta…
90+ policy and rights groups around the world wrote @tim_cook today to warn @Apple that releasing its new, universally-condemned #spyPhone update "will have laid the foundation for censorship, surveillance and persecution on a global basis." Source: scribd.com/embeds/5208140…
Trump and Biden both demanded Google turn over the private emails of reporters in a bid to hunt down their sources. The new administration went so far as to seek a gag order on the Times to keep the public from learning about it. It didn't work: nytimes.com/2021/06/04/us/…
Après avoir voté, allez sur Twitch, entrez dans Discord et dites à vos jeunes amis de voter aussi. Chaque personne que vous persuadez fait bouger le levier du pouvoir politique de toute votre génération. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
@elonmusk There are many other names, too. Did you know Daniel Hale is still in prison for revealing 9 out of 10 drone casualties were bystanders rather than targets? He did a remarkable and heroic thing. When did you last hear his name on TV? It's a real problem. theintercept.com/2021/07/27/dan…
*whispers* bernie woulda won twitter.com/kenklippenstei…
It took years — eight years and counting in exile — for me to realize that I was missing the point: we talk about conspiracy theories in order to avoid talking about conspiracy practices, which are often too daunting, too threatening, too total. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/conspiracy-p…
Dangerous by design: How the CIA and German BND conspired to sabotage the communications of allies and adversaries alike. washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/…
This Christmas may well be the last that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange will spend outside the pit of an American dungeon. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/assange01
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ― John F. Kennedy, 13 March 1962 twitter.com/i/status/15403…
If you want to see Microsoft have a heart attack, talk about defining legal liability for bad code in a commercial product. To give Facebook nightmares, talk about making it legally liable for leaks of their unnecessarily collected personal records. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/ns-oh-god-ho…
Many reflexively criticize Omar, but she has been one of the only members in Congress with the courage to point out the only man jailed over the monstrous abuses of the classified drone program is the whistleblower who revealed that 9 out of 10 we kill are mere bystanders. twitter.com/IlhanMN/status…
If a Russian company was behind this, Russia would be facing double-sanctions by lunchtime. No, triple-sanctions! Oprah would be handing out sanctions to everyone in the audience. Do you think the US will be sanctioning the host nation for this company? reuters.com/technology/exc…
Not liberals, but "liberals." It bothers me how power struggles within the blue-red corporate uniparty transform complex philosophies into meaningless epithets. If you argue "censorship is good, actually," you are not a liberal. If you cheer for the FBI, you are not a liberal.
No one is safe from the out-of-control designer spyware industry. Export controls have failed as a means of regulating this easily abused technology. Without an immediate global moratorium on the trade, this will only get worse. washingtonpost.com/world/2021/07/…
After so many years on the internet, it should not surprise me to see people dismissing Dwight D. Eisenhower's criticisms of the Military-Industrial Complex as merely the uninformed opinion of some guy who obviously doesn't understand war, but here we are.
HUGE: Israel's NSO group has repeatedly denied having had anything to do with Khashoggi's killing -- but astonishing new evidence confirms the phones of the central women in his life were hacked right around his murder. twitter.com/jsrailton/stat…
The US Government secretly redefining journalists it doesn't like as "information brokers" in order to attack them with the CIA is horrific crime against the constitution. It's also braindead branding, because "information broker" sounds waaay cooler than "journalist." twitter.com/ggreenwald/sta…
With the courts striking down the NSA's mass surveillance programs and crediting the 2013 revelations, And new laws having been written to curb abuse both at home and abroad, As people around the country and members of Congress call for pardon, How long should charges stand?
Three days ago you sentenced Daniel Hale, one of the most important whistleblowers in the history of American Intelligence, to nearly four years in prison. commondreams.org/news/2021/07/2… twitter.com/ODNIgov/status…
The most surprising part to me in all this is not that the White House lied—that, life teaches us, is a reliable constant. It is that even after the White House openly admits that something was a cynical lie, 30% of the population will continue to prefer that lie to reality. twitter.com/ggreenwald/sta…
Meus parabéns a @LulaOficial e ao Brasil pela vitória. twitter.com/folha/status/1…
In a decade or two, this won't require bulky cameras and high-friction QR-code scanning. Everyone, everywhere, always. It's closer than you think. twitter.com/EP_Lawrence/st…