Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Wrong. If I can in one command pull a blocklist of mean tweets you don't like (see pictures), there's no reason @elonmusk can't add a tool for you to auto-block people talking about your personal list of "things I don't want to see." It's not hard. Corps just give you bad tools. twitter.com/DrunkVoltron/s…
This is going to cause controversy, but platform censorship had clearly gone too far. Content moderation should be an individual decision, not a corporate prison. Let people make their own choices—and not just on Twitter. twitter.com/unusual_whales…
sure laugh at zuckerberg's stock crash but remember that in five years he's gonna own your eyeballs and pause the ads every time you blink
"bLoW a wHisTLe oN rUsSiA aNd sEe wHat hApPenS" To score points on the idea that a whistleblower would have to flee the Kremlin—just as they must escape the White House—is to define "victory" as equaling *Russia.* Is that winning? Assange faces 175 years: a death sentence.
"bUt YoU'rE iN rUsSiA" Not the jab you think it is, since otherwise I'd be muzzled in a dungeon right next to Assange. What does it say about our system if a whistleblower opposed by Washington can walk free in *Russia,* but not in the US⁠—or EU? Don't like it? Then fix it.
You are holding Julian Assange in a dungeon for exercising the freedom of expression you so ardently claim to defend. How about decriminalizing it at home before you take to a podium and point your finger abroad? twitter.com/thehill/status…
If truth is the first casualty of war, humanity is the second. It is depressing to witness how readily people—and states—embrace the cultivation of ethnic and nationalist hatreds for political advantage. Rather than hastening peace, these strategies forbid it.
I've already expressed my opposition to the fighting in Ukraine, and pray it ends soon. The difference between us is that when *I* realized that sharing my thoughts on the matter did more harm than good, I found the humility to stop. Best regards. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Yeah, sure. I denounce drowning children in the river or burning them in huts. Glad you took time out of everyone's day to establish that. What a victory we've won for truth and justice! What scintillating courage we've displayed! This is the problem with Twitter⁠—and politics. twitter.com/McFaul/status/…
For a twenty year-old game, it aged well. twitter.com/DeusEx_Ebooks/…
Spør deg selv: Hvem vil virkelig ha dette systemet? Er de til og med norsk? Nei, dette er et tilfelle av amerikanske hender som skriver med en norsk penn. Det er et brudd på suvereniteten - offentlig * og * privat. Beskytt rettighetene dine, ellers mister du dem som alle andre.
Hovedpoenget er at Norge ikke trenger et slikt system, og ikke kan få noen nasjonal fordel av det. Dette forslaget eksisterer helt til fordel for utenlandske "etterretningspartnere," som vil Norge for å lappe hull (opprinnelig "sak for sak") i et globalt system med masseovervåkni
Det er uforståelig for meg at en nasjon som er så geografisk velsignet og politisk sofistikert, da Norge noen gang frivillig ville omfavne infrastrukturen for masseovervåking. Dette forslaget er en forbrytelse mot den liberale tradisjonen. nrk.no/ytring/masseov…
What is that in my shoe? Some kind of... acorn? Parenting is full of surprises.
After this clip, Assange was forced into asylum. Today he is locked in a dungeon -- and kept incommunicado. Listen to this, then ask yourself why it was so important that he be silenced. twitter.com/wikileaks/stat…
If you're blocked, don't feel badly; it's nothing personal. Just trying to improve signal to noise ratio for people who don't want to wade through crypto spam and off-topic screeching.
Remarkable that the Washington takeaway from Leahy's anecdote is "Wow! The CIA is stalking Senators to whisper tips in their ears! How cinematic!" and not "How could Leahy sit on classified information he knew could stop a war?" It decided his vote! twitter.com/vermontgmg/sta…
Re-read this thread, but with the understanding that the Iraq War could have been avoided if this Senator (or any other with similar knowledge) had cared more about his country than a TOP SECRET stamp. This is the cost of classifying information the public needs to know. twitter.com/vermontgmg/sta…
"What disturbs me more is not the censorship itself, but how it shapes the ideology of people. With dissenting information being eliminated, every website becomes a cult, where the government and leaders have to be worshipped." A global concern. news.yahoo.com/watched-whole-…
Attenborough voice: "Look, look there! Bent-backed and sweating, a little reply guy emerges to defend his bubble. And there's another! Though they look different, if you listen carefully, you'll hear the same sounds."
The last decade has taught that the greater part of any society can be made to fit in just two filter bubbles.
"Oh no, Jeremy Corbyn would simply be the end of Britain! Theresa May, Boris Johnson, and Liz Truss, though -- now there's the ticket to prosperity." strong and stable
Remember learning how NSA employees spy on their crushes (LOVEINT)? Now even your local cops are hacking accounts -- and blackmailing young women with the stolen nudes. Prosecutors recommended “a sentence at the lowest end of the sentencing guidelines." leoweekly.com/2022/10/feds-e…