Imagine using all those capital letters and still nobody hears you.
Whether you're for or against Biden, this thread is an important look into the troubling histories of some of those he has chosen to reshape agencies that have a tremendous influence over your life -- no matter where you live. twitter.com/kgosztola/stat…
This looks like it produces a global (hash) database of people's iris scans (for "fairness"), and waves away the implications by saying "we deleted the scans!"
Yeah, but you save the *hashes* produced by the scans. Hashes that match *future* scans.
Don't catalogue eyeballs. twitter.com/sama/status/14…
"‘Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.’ He did not mean a real and generous love of our country, but that pretended patriotism which so many, in all ages and countries, have made a cloak for self-interest." twitter.com/alfredmalmros/…
"What you have is a government inside a government, an undemocratic apparatus making all of the decisions beneath a shell of democracy—something that looks like a democracy and is called a democracy, but has almost none of the properties a democracy is defined by." twitter.com/ggreenwald/sta…
After so many years on the internet, it should not surprise me to see people dismissing Dwight D. Eisenhower's criticisms of the Military-Industrial Complex as merely the uninformed opinion of some guy who obviously doesn't understand war, but here we are.
We are running out of time.
Intolerance and the ruthless self-interest of political parties have so damaged the foundation of nationhood—the willingness to cooperate with one's neighbor—that I fear we have already witnessed the failure of some the greatest states of our era.
We just don't realize it.
Well, I guess now we know where the student debt relief funds went. twitter.com/Reuters/status…
The man who oversaw the Top Secret investigation into my work in exposing the NSA's unconstitutional system of mass surveillance now believes "we are in a better place" because I came forward. He disputes the methods, but admits it was net-good.
In another decade, I'll be home. twitter.com/shanvav/status…
anyone who questions a statement delivered from a podium is a tool of the russians, the islamic state, or both
sorry, you know the rules
I'm afraid I have some bad news: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_su… twitter.com/MichLKosinski/…
If Assange goes unpardoned because he didn't bribe somebody, it will say everything that needs to be said about this broken age. nytimes.com/2021/01/17/us/…
It is because I love my country that I seek to reform its government. twitter.com/CerarMilos/sta…
Imagine a Cheney inviting people to compare body counts. Facts:
* Despite 7 years of investigation, the US has never identified a single casualty of my whistleblowing (there are none).
* The Cheneys' wars caused more than 50,000 US casualties since 2000: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_St… twitter.com/Liz_Cheney/sta…
🚨🚨 It turns out "Hey Alexa" is short for "Hey Keith Alexander." Yes, the Keith Alexander personally responsible for the unlawful mass surveillance programs that caused a global scandal. And Amazon Web Services (AWS) host ~6% of all websites. 🚨🚨
It's alarming to see the term "liberal" has become a pejorative in multiple languages. "Conservative," too, has become a meaningless epithet.
People now hiss at philosophies they can't even describe, collapsing flexible systems of belief into rigid markers of identity.
It doesn't really matter how you feel about the Jan. 6th stuff: bureaucrats destroying government records to keep them out of the public's hands should land every single person involved in jail. It is a crime against the public's right to know.
"Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."
Any effort by the state to claim a mission or authority regulating speech—especially speech it dislikes—is a willful violation of the limits imposed by the First Amendment, and it must be resisted. twitter.com/lhfang/status/…
You can't routinely take classified material home (itself a crime):
…from 1973-2009 ("docs dating from his time as a Senator"),
…again from the WH (2009-2017),
…report it only after somebody ELSE stumbles across your stash
…and claim it's OK bc 𝙣𝙤𝙬 you're "cooperating"