I know a lot of folks in the comments read this are like "YAAAAS," which, like—I get it. But imagine for a moment a world that exists for more than the next 13 days, and this becomes a milestone that will endure.
@NSAGov Look, I'm just saying if a fat man comes down my chimney, I'm not taking any chances.
"Oh no, Jeremy Corbyn would simply be the end of Britain! Theresa May, Boris Johnson, and Liz Truss, though -- now there's the ticket to prosperity."
strong and stable
I am not at all disappointed to go unpardoned by a man who has never known a love he had not paid for. But what supporters of his remain must never forgive that this simpering creature failed to pardon truth-tellers in far more desperate circumstances:
I thought I knew how bad times had gotten, but then my wife told me they took the McChicken off the dollar menu.
Imagine if Facebook's infrastructure team decided now was the moment to go on strike. It would be historic: twitter.com/Vagabending/st…
The greatest gift is the love we share. @lsjourneys twitter.com/lsjourneys/sta…
I was looking to understand why @nntaleb was cyber-bullying a young woman who writes on economics, and I stumbled upon a frankly unbelievable history of inability to handle even gentle criticism—by a man who titled his book "Antifragile."
This behavior goes back years.
Unbelievable: @Apple now circulating a propaganda letter describing the internet-wide opposition to their decision to start checking the private files on every iPhone against a secret government blacklist as "the screeching voices of the minority."
This has become a scandal. twitter.com/kaepora/status…
Reminder: Amazon Web Services runs like half the internet. twitter.com/thetimes/statu…
Europe should not extradite those accused of non-violent crimes to a court system so unfair—and prison system so cruel—that native-born defendants would rather die than become subject to it. Julian Assange could be next.
Until the system is reformed, a moratorium should remain. twitter.com/PeterMcCormack…
Do not shut up about Apple's #spyPhone scandal. We can win this. twitter.com/matthew_d_gree…
The government cast Manning into a dungeon for resisting a scheme to make publishers of news subject to the Espionage Act. They offered to let her out in exchange for collaboration, but she chose her principles instead.
That is moral strength.
@xychelsea twitter.com/FreedomofPress…
There is no universe in which this is good news. twitter.com/meridithmcgraw…
For those wondering about @signalapp's scaling, #WhatsApp's decision to sell out its users to @facebook has led to what is probably the biggest digital migration to a more secure messenger we've ever seen. Hang in there while the Signal team catches up. twitter.com/signalapp/stat…
@AP Why didn't anyone warn us?
If you work at the CIA or NSA, don't let a security officer write you up for failing to secure a document within the safe.
Instead, inform them that recent policy demonstrates that DOJ may accept your home, corvette, random college, or underwear drawer as an approved container.
Whoever you are, whatever your values, recognize the historic importance of this: it is second time the US government's retaliation against *the same whistleblower* has been found equivalent to torture. Telling the truth has become the greatest of crimes. twitter.com/NPR/status/121…