Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

If you're an ExpressVPN customer, you shouldn't be. twitter.com/josephmenn/sta…
Wikileaks has managed to raise ~$50M seemingly without any notice at all by major media. Fifty. Million. Dollars. probably nothing twitter.com/wikileaks/stat…
Look at how overwhelming public support is for an Assange pardon—in EVERY poll like this—and think about what it says about any President who refuses to shut down THE most dangerous legal case in the journalism because he's afraid of criticism from the worst people in government. twitter.com/ericbolling/st…
I mean, it's one banana, Michael. How much could it cost? Sixty-five dollars?
What is a Central Bank Digital Currency, you ask? Oh, you know: just a "useful policy tool" for casually annihilating the savings of every wage-worker in the country if they don't spend them fast enough. twitter.com/adasound_io/st…
Remember all the tweets about @Apple's insane #spyPhone proposal? Don't ever let anyone tell you that there's nothing you can do when a company announces a plan to screw you. This is a HUGE victory, but remember: this thing isn't dead yet. Be ready to fight if it comes back. twitter.com/zackwhittaker/…
also if you are mad at this tweet you probably need to reduce your position size.
Did you know that whistleblowers are sentenced to more time in prison than corrupt officials who trade secrets for sex⁠—more time than even actual spies? The government has made *telling* the truth a greater crime than *selling* it. #PardonRealityWinner
Not liberals, but "liberals." It bothers me how power struggles within the blue-red corporate uniparty transform complex philosophies into meaningless epithets. If you argue "censorship is good, actually," you are not a liberal. If you cheer for the FBI, you are not a liberal.
One of the most harmful—and overlooked—media "innovations" is the practice of hiring professional (and even criminal) liars from intelligence organizations. The world in which the nightly news is brought to you by FBI, CIA, and NSA mouthpieces is *shockingly* dystopian. twitter.com/ggreenwald/sta…
The US gov, through the FBI, had the censorship units at major internet platforms on speed dial. Public figures that claimed such a year ago were cast out of polite society as lunatics. When it is now established to be true, the same polite people now shrug: "Trust the ruler." twitter.com/mtaibbi/status…
The billionaire former CEO of Goldman Sachs came out of Twitter retirement specifically to gloat about corporate control of Congress. twitter.com/lloydblankfein…
For what it's worth, leaving is the right choice⁠—just made decades too late. Terrorists are criminals, not states. Declaring a fruitless war when we had the sympathy of the world—rather than an international police action—will be remembered as an era-defining catastrophe.
And arrogant? Me? Well, I suppose I have to be guilty of something. Merry Christmas.
The Lord of the Rings: a story where the social elite coerce a trust-fund kid's hard-working gardener into shouldering global risks. Before it's over, he has to physically carry his useless employer (and their jewelry collection) up an active volcano. Ahead of its time, really.
This is the story of your future, told today. twitter.com/kashhill/statu…
Citizens would rise up in outrage if the government mandated that every person carry a tracking device revealing their location and identity 24 hours a day. Yet in the last decade we have become, app by app, subject to just such a system. nytimes.com/interactive/20…
My wife's Twitter has been locked for a week for posting a baby picture. She appealed the ban. I mentioned it to @TwitterSupport. I mentioned it to @elonmusk. Zero response. Instagram etc have no prob with the same pic. You can put *porn* on Twitter, but not a baby? Bad policy. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Read this and tell me that the show trial of Assange doesn't read like something from Kafka. The judge permits the charges to be changed so frequently the defense doesn't even know what they are, the most basic demands are denied, no one can hear what the defendant says—a farce. twitter.com/kgosztola/stat…
Since you actually have time to read something that matters now that Facebook is down, allow me to suggest a quick little piece on the thinking that got us into the mess in the first place: edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/conspiracy-p…
Yes, Trump and Biden and Hillary all mishandled classified documents. You could argue "who did it worse," or you can question if we really need a system that crushes ordinary workers who fall afoul of it while excusing the same "crimes" if done by elites. cbsnews.com/news/biden-cen…
The government may steal a dollar, but it cannot erase the idea that earned it. I wrote this book, Permanent Record, for you, and I hope the government's ruthless desperation to prevent its publication only inspires you read it—and then gift it to another.nytimes.com/2019/12/18/us/…
Big print on Apple billboard vs. small print on Apple license: "Apple reserves the right, at any time and from time to time, to update, revise, supplement, and otherwise modify this Agreement and to impose new or additional rules, policies, terms, or conditions on your use." twitter.com/matthew_d_gree…