I’d like to formally apologize to my parents for becoming everything they never wanted.
I’d also like to say “you’re welcome” for being everything they never knew they wanted.
Game of Thrones (fantasy) and Avengers (comic books) being our most popular, mainstream cultural touchstones definitively proves that nerds were ALWAYS the coolest people and have, in fact, inherited the earth.
@nedfulmer If this gets 30,000 retweets I WON'T sit in Keith's lap but I WILL steal Ned's baby #funnyvotelewberger
My mom actually rolled her eyes at me and said "okay, we get it, you're gay" and I feel like that's the level of homosexual we should all aspire towards.
Historically, the greater threat to humanity's progress and safety over pandemics, prejudice, economic inequality, and global warming have been the fucking idiots who refuse to believe them and the monsters in power who downplay their veracity.
What's disheartening about JK Rowling's stance is that, at the heart of fantasy fiction, there's a delicate discovery of selfhood through magic. Trans and nonbinary people deserve the same freedom to write their own narratives, not dogmatic assertions dictating their identities.
I haven't been very public about my long history with depression but I'd like to reassure anyone out there who's even more depressed than usual right now that it's going to be okay, no matter how awful it is to be quarantined with our own thoughts. We're gonna get through this.
Celebrate openly. Stand up for those who cannot.
Love freely. Honor those who fought for us to have that fundamental right.
Be yourself. Support and learn about every community in the LGBTQ+ family.
Spread love. Because many continue to lead with hate.
Happy #Pride
“Now add a cricket just for luck” 🦗
#Mulan #Halloween18
There's no shame in being an adult who watches animation. I've seen practically every cartoon, anime, and animated film imaginable. It's just another genre of art that I respect and enjoy.
I'm emotionally messed up because of my CHILDHOOD, not my cartoons, thank you very much.
I repeat: fuck Josh Hawley. twitter.com/briantylercohe…
The worst thing I've ever said to a white person is when I couldn't remember if this guy's name was Brad or Brett so I ended up calling him Bread.
Chrissy... it's time. 🎃
#Halloween #Eugenoween
really fucking tired of children resorting to anti-queer rhetoric in the presence of hetero cottage cheese shenanigans
My first official fanvid
For my friend
The incredible @quintabrunson
Happy Birthday
Just to be clear
I don't like babies
But I have come to terms
With protecting my friends and family's children
When You're The Third Wheel