Dr Adam Rutherford(@AdamRutherford)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

I love these SO MUCH. twitter.com/juanbuis/statu…
As it is my job to relate everything to eugenics*, and in the US, actual Gilead-style eugenics is being discussed at the highest level, a quick thread about this article that is causing much ire. * semi-sarcasm
Well done to these guys in The Men’s Fellowship competition. The Women’s Fellowship happens at a later date presumably. twitter.com/Cambridge_Uni/…
‘The idea is if we don’t look out the white race will be will be utterly submerged, It’s all scientific stuff; it’s been proved.’ Tom Buchanan, The Great Gatsby (1925)
Little tip for travellers: never, ever fly Ryanair. Even If it’s a choice between Ryanair and a paper cut on your bellend.
A couple of bits of news: today I begin my Presidency of @Humanists_UK, taking the baton from my dear friend @theAliceRoberts who led with typical gusto, compassion and wisdom. It is a true honour. bit.ly/3tgWnKH
How can this possibly be true? Even with my disbelief subroutine set to 'Current Government'. twitter.com/SoSowemimo/sta…
Knighty McKnightface
Tom Hunt went to King's Ely school, a private boarding school founded in 970ce, whose year 9-13 fees are £35,958. twitter.com/tomhunt1988/st…
A feature I wrote to er celebrate the 200th birthday of pea enthusiast Johann G. Mendel, whose brilliant scientific work 🧬🌸 was misunderstood, bastardised and co-opted to prop up racist, ableist and classist political ideologies throughout the 20th C. theguardian.com/science/2022/j…
Denigrating modern art is from the standard fascist playbook. The Nazis held an exhibition titled Degenerate Art in 1937, including Van Gogh, Picasso and Matisse, hanging their works chaotically with slogans like “nature as seen by sick minds”. twitter.com/michaeljknowle…
What has happened with the overturning of Roe v Wade is the shame of the democratic world. We must never risk the UK following that same slippery slope of injustice. Please join me in petitioning @DHSCgovuk & @MoJGovUK to protect abortion rights. RT pls bit.ly/3yut22n
Many of us have been saying this for years. Sapiens is brimming with errors both trivial and profound, and a casualness with evidence that is Petersonesque. I know of no book where expert criticism and popularity are so polar. currentaffairs.org/2022/07/the-da…
Auto-captioning for #PMQs is playing a surreal blinder right now.
Well this is somewhat troubling. twitter.com/WritesBright/s…
MILK TIME 🥛! Have you ever considered that it’s a bit weird that you drink the milk of another animal, and it’s totally normal? Milk is a billion-dollar industry. A *HUGE* new human evolution paper just dropped, upending one of the great modern evolutionary ideas. 🧵 1/n
BUT! The new study in @Nature shows that this story is not correct. It’s incredible, 360 work, combining archaeology, chemistry, genetics, epidemiology, and more than 500,000 people living and dead, to reveal the wild complexity of human evolution. 10/n go.nature.com/3S85w31
RESULTS * It turns out that milk consumption was common for thousands of years *before* the LP gene spread significantly: so selection of this gene is unlikely to be due to its positive effects because it allowed individuals to consume more milk. 13/n
The extraordinary life of a scientist you've never heard of... twitter.com/whippletom/sta…
Ignore all the noise of this hellsite and blast this glorious symphony into your head!
I’m starting a wellness clinic, based on my daily routine: * wake up. Doesn’t really matter what time * think about stuff. Or not. Doesn’t really matter * make coffee. Probably too much. Get the jitters. Have a sit down * read a bit. Swim. Or not * hang out with people you like
‘I did my own research’ has peaked with this. And it was peer reviewed by Michael Green and Shant Grapps
The deaths of 17 medieval Jews: An incredible new genetics paper has just dropped: The earliest Jewish genomes and the story of where they are from and how they died is incredibly important, and central to the origin of contemporary antisemitic conspiracy hatred. 🧵
This is (like the lactose/milk paper last month) is another barnstorming piece of #totalscience led by @mt_genes, Ian Barnes (@NHM_London) and also @Boothicus et al, Here’s the paper itself bit.ly/3pYd0sl