Dr Adam Rutherford(@AdamRutherford)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Geneticist here. You can’t make facial profiles or accurate pigmentation predictions from DNA, and this is dangerous snake oil. twitter.com/edmontonpolice…
Weird, a pair of actual Jehovah's witnesses just knocked on the door, and asked me what I thought about the origin of life. "Um, you may have picked the wrong house here. I have 165 slides and a book'.
Ignore all the noise of this hellsite and blast this glorious symphony into your head!
Little tip for travellers: never, ever fly Ryanair. Even If it’s a choice between Ryanair and a paper cut on your bellend.
The deaths of 17 medieval Jews: An incredible new genetics paper has just dropped: The earliest Jewish genomes and the story of where they are from and how they died is incredibly important, and central to the origin of contemporary antisemitic conspiracy hatred. 🧵
The hard truth is that 100% of people who confuse correlation with causation will die.
Please don't make me do this again. If Cheddar Man has *any* single living descendant then he is the ancestor of LITERALLY EVERYONE ON EARTH. Not metaphorically, or conceptually, but actually mathematically. All humans. Everyone. みんな. Tout le monde. 每个人. katoa. हर कोई. twitter.com/fasc1nate/stat…
The constant threat of brutal justice delivered by the Batman? twitter.com/DoctorLockwood…
MILK TIME 🥛! Have you ever considered that it’s a bit weird that you drink the milk of another animal, and it’s totally normal? Milk is a billion-dollar industry. A *HUGE* new human evolution paper just dropped, upending one of the great modern evolutionary ideas. 🧵 1/n
Auto-captioning for #PMQs is playing a surreal blinder right now.
The replies. The endless racist replies. My favourite is ‘how can she have dark skin when there is no sunlight under the sea’ My dude, she’s a frigging mermaid. Pigmentation is the very least of the evolutionary issues presented. twitter.com/DisneyStudios/…
I mean, you know this is insanity, right? Like, perfectly emblematic of the utter corruption and madness of this whole tournament. twitter.com/FBAwayDays/sta…
I had a crack at what I presume must've been a conversation between Lady Sarah Hussey and Prince Philip.
Knighty McKnightface
A couple of bits of news: today I begin my Presidency of @Humanists_UK, taking the baton from my dear friend @theAliceRoberts who led with typical gusto, compassion and wisdom. It is a true honour. bit.ly/3tgWnKH
I love this man with all my heart @rizwanahmed
‘It’s called weather’ says Julia Hartley Brewer, repeating one of the most inane basic misunderstandings of climate science, a canard of lazy utter ignorance akin to ‘if we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys’ twitter.com/bbcquestiontim…
Tom Hunt went to King's Ely school, a private boarding school founded in 970ce, whose year 9-13 fees are £35,958. twitter.com/tomhunt1988/st…
I’m starting a wellness clinic, based on my daily routine: * wake up. Doesn’t really matter what time * think about stuff. Or not. Doesn’t really matter * make coffee. Probably too much. Get the jitters. Have a sit down * read a bit. Swim. Or not * hang out with people you like
If only *anyone* involved in saying this had even the slightest knowledge of history, notably the history of eugenics, or Nazi Germany. twitter.com/kateferguson4/…
Live footage from 10 Downing Street
There isn't a kinder, funnier smarter or better dressed person alive. DO you know, one time we were in a cab at night, and she stopped the taxi to help a drunk woman on the other side of the road. Men: be more Keanu; Everyone: be more Prof Fry. bit.ly/3W2AYBL
As Boris Johnson does a victory lap at the conclusion of his reign in No.10, it is important to remember that he leaves in shame, forced out by his own MPs - no-one else - after a tenure characterised by deceit, elitism, cronyism, bigotry, and predictable ignominy. Remember him.
Almost none of what follows in this thread is true. Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance has never been shown in humans, and in mice, the results are pretty ropey on the whole, underpowered, statistically questionable. Exercise, eat well, but not because of flakey science. twitter.com/foundmyfitness…
Here is a classic example of modern scientific racism. I am no blank slatist - as a geneticist, it would be an absurd position to take. However, this thread below is very much mistaken, and not the open goal that the author believes. Here's why: twitter.com/monitoringbias…