Rachel & Jun(@RachelAndJun)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

We’re looking through model home neighborhoods and this house has a secret tiny kids/storage room. They told us that because the ceiling isn’t high enough it doesn’t count as a “room” and therefore you can avoid property taxes on this extra space lol
I picked up our box of donuts and accidentally dropped it on the cats' water bowl, spilling all the water and getting the donut box wet Jun picked up the donut box to wipe it off, and accidentally opened it spilling all the donuts onto the watery floor
(*NEW JUN'S KITCHEN VIDEO!*) Cleaning pots and pans youtu.be/IFz36TaBsIc
Working on the greatest cat video of all time. What things would you like to see our cats compared at?
My mom sent me a package from America on July 19th. What the fuck
Mah’Ria, an honor-roll student, went to school with 10/140 academic points from the state—so bad it lost accreditation. When she got a chance to go to a good school, white parents demanded drug dogs, metal detectors, & threatened to move. This was 2013. thisamericanlife.org/562/the-proble…
My new favorite comments of 2018
(*NEW JUN'S VLOG!*) Last spring we tried to take our cats on a picnic but it didn't work out. But I tried making a video out of it anyway! Turn captions on for behind-the-scenes secret info :D youtube.com/watch?v=v8y5qg…
A cat cam was the best purchase we ever made. Missing our babies 😭
Whenever we go into a new room they always end up following
I immediately regret stepping outside.
Been trying to catch this stray for ~2 weeks to take to the vet. S/he's been TNR'd already and knows not to step on the trapping cage trigger plate. Too smart to go in if I'm anywhere nearby so I can't manually trigger it. Not enough room for a drop cage. What else can I try?
Japan friends! Even though it feels nice outside, a lot of areas are already getting up to a UV index of 9 during peak sun hours so take care of yourselves! Especially if you’ve got the skin of an albino cave salamander like me
I’m sure this will apply to .001% of you but for future reference if you ever get a CT scan/MRI and smell/feel something burning or bleachy in your nose and mouth, this is the best explanation I could find. Because no one warned me about it and it freaked me the heck out.
Haku got startled today, jumped off his tower (onto my keyboard) and cut his paw. :( Vet gave him some medicine for it and he’ll be fine! Poor guy’s having a stressful day.
(*NEW VIDEO!*) Everything we know about Japan! Or at least a lot of stuff. 50 facts about Japan youtu.be/URDXZSJZ2ME We've been collecting interesting (and hopefully lesser known) facts for years, and we finally get to share it all!!!!! Hope you guys enjoy it :D
Our cats are on high alert
Jenna Marbles made a video cooking for her dogs at the counter and it's so precious and wonderful and we love it so much!! youtube.com/watch?v=92ZU3I… Also your dogs are hilarious @jenna_marbles And don't worry, our cats sometimes just peace out too lol
An update on Jun's vegetable garden! youtu.be/J46ngeF23Q0
Fun cleanup today at Shikanoshima Beach! Anyone's welcome to join future events! instagram.com/fukuoka_for_su…
(*NEW JUN'S KITCHEN!*) Crab Cream Croquette mini recipe and Patreon announcement youtu.be/mLBqx9pl4UU
I’m going to miss you guys!! -Jun
I guess I’m not the only one looking for food