Rachel & Jun(@RachelAndJun)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Just walked past a house where there were extremely loud slapping sounds and yelling and I was like HOLYCRAPJUNWTF IS GOING ON It sounded like some sort of BDSM torture. Jun was super chill. “Kendo.”
Glad to see the comment chain angry about this. The idea that working long hours = praiseworthy is a really disturbing part of our culture. It’s literally working to death. The fact that employees also internalize this ideal is the greatest triumph business owners have ever had. twitter.com/GIBiz/status/1…
We finally made it back to my hometown where my family is now trying to convince Jun it’s okay to cook the four-year expired frozen fish from the deep freezer
Oops, sorry guys, our last tweet was communist. We will take responsibility for our actions and change our channel name to “Jew & Jew” to better reflect our communist nature.
Jun’s Kitchen was featured in an article in The Washington Post! Thanks @TeddyAmen! washingtonpost.com/arts-entertain…
Kimono Haku! 🤣 It looks like an obi! It's the decorative pot cover for the potted plant I just watered in the sink. The cats stuck their heads in it to sniff around. Apparently that wasn't enough for Haku
Haku the armpit bandit strikes again. dafuq you doing, bud? lol
By all means we never deserved to come this far and it still blows our minds every day. We'll do our best this year to keep pushing our channels to the next level, and of course posting tons of pictures of our cats! Here are some of our top cat memories of 2018:
Good news!! Woke up today and our video is back and the copyright strike is gone! If you haven't seen it yet, here's 13 minutes of us attempting to take our cats for a picnic at the park: youtube.com/watch?v=v8y5qg… Turn on captions for some behind-the-scenes filming info >:)
Haku’s giving me attitude today
Happy Furrever Home Anniversary, Poki.
Yoga Haku part 2
I may be an adult but I know my limits Yes please I will take the ramen bib
It's time to say goodbye to the old Jun's Kitchen! youtu.be/Za8qW-n04T8
Found this little dude on one of our plants here in Fukuoka and it turns out to have a great name: Aedia leucomelas, the eastern alchemist or, THE SORCEROR
Haku and Nagi getting snuggly with their cat tower pole
I had a photoshoot with @seraphicvisions last week and I ADORE HER WORK SO MUCH I AM DYING I've never seen anyone manage to get a kinda creepy beautiful sakura photo before and I love the contrast so much. Sarah how u do this 😍
Here in Fukuoka I visit a lot of beaches looking for spots our group can clean up. Almost every time I find bags of trash that have already been collected by other volunteers. Sometimes I catch a single person in the act, but we've also discovered a lot of other cleanup groups.
Dang guys thank you!!!
It's that time of year to check if your wall unit aircon is moldy and needs to be cleaned! We have someone over today thoroughly cleaning out ours and our cats really don't know what to make of it.
Good news! Poki’s diet and quarantining during food time is working and since his previous vet visit last year he’s gone from 6.2kg to 5.8! Look at this strapping young man.
A new video is up on Junskitchen! youtu.be/PtQcLbZFl6o This time it’s a craft video. I made a 60 gallons fish tank for my Betta fish with driftwood I collected at a dam. -Jun 動画をアップしました。今回は料理ではなく、無料のダム流木を使って水槽を作りました。
This almost seems like a map of how we can find fulfillment, but sometimes I wonder if we give ourselves too many requirements to meet before we can be “happy.” I don’t think most people will ever reach all 4 categories of this. But I also don’t think you need to to be content. twitter.com/rachelpage13/s…
This mall is my aesthetic 🌿 Really loving Fukuoka so far!