Rachel & Jun(@RachelAndJun)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Privilege doesn’t mean my life wasn’t hard. It means no one threw a fit when I moved to a nicer school district. We all have struggles we face. Now’s the time to focus on the struggles of one group in particular. We have to give empathy to receive it.
For men it also offers protection against oral, anal, and penile cancers. So men: prevent penis cancer. Get the HPV vaccine. twitter.com/RadishRuby/sta…
Found this little dude on one of our plants here in Fukuoka and it turns out to have a great name: Aedia leucomelas, the eastern alchemist or, THE SORCEROR
My mom has 4 adult children with 0 grandbabies but 8 grandkitties. We all have a message group together called CATS where we share photos and mom comments on how big they're getting and asks for grandkitty photos to share with her friends
Kidnapping ladybugs from public Japanese parks youtu.be/nCFKgozleuI
During which this mantis totally caught me checking him out
One of our garden plot neighbors is a really sweet Japanese woman we traded a romanesco with for some veggies a few months ago, and today she gave us a bouquet of daisies 😭
Koko-chan the cat was acting strangely and staring into an irrigation channel. When people investigated, they found a man had fallen in and was unable to move. The man was rescued and today the local Toyama police awarded Koko-chan with a bag of food! sankei.com/smp/west/news/…
King Haku
He’s so heavy wtf
Let's play a game called "Where is Nagi Sleeping?"
Here in Fukuoka I visit a lot of beaches looking for spots our group can clean up. Almost every time I find bags of trash that have already been collected by other volunteers. Sometimes I catch a single person in the act, but we've also discovered a lot of other cleanup groups.
I would like to trade lives with my cat please
One of Poki's favorite things these days is hanging out on the balcony and getting a little taste of nature, so I thought maybe it was time to try taking him to an actual park again. It did not go well.
The internet in 3 photos
🎶The best part of waking up🎶 is stepping in unexpected cat vomit
Aggressive love
hey guys
He looks possessed lol
(*NEW JUN'S KITCHEN!*) Bonsai Fish Tank youtu.be/JJk1ji23Ey8
Been trying to catch this stray for ~2 weeks to take to the vet. S/he's been TNR'd already and knows not to step on the trapping cage trigger plate. Too smart to go in if I'm anywhere nearby so I can't manually trigger it. Not enough room for a drop cage. What else can I try?
Here's a video of the little butt coming out of her/his hiding space to take my treat and then going right back in lmao. Did this 6 times before I got her to stay out today! It also gives an idea of the size of the space we're working with here.
Quick cleanup today at Shikanoshima Beach (again) with just the three of us! Filled 15 bags in under an hour! When we’re allowed to have big meetups again, join us in a future cleanup if you’re ever in Fukuoka! We post event notifs at Fukuoka for Sustainability on Instagram!
Woke up to this devastating casualty of last night's typhoon