Rachel & Jun(@RachelAndJun)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

I'm putting together a guide for my friends who are going to watch our cats for a few days
It looks like Jun’s parent’s have a small marsupial living in their closet but this is just Ai-chan and apparently this is her favorite spot
c a t s a r e m a j e s t i c
“I wanna play now!”
Poki's been trying to sleep on my lap recently but I don't think he really knows how
Poor Nagi keeps getting snarlface since his toof was removed 😭
An update on Jun's vegetable garden! youtu.be/J46ngeF23Q0
Big boye Haku's mighty roar
Hi everything is falling apart right now but GOOD NEWS is we just finished a Jun's Kitchen video right before his surgery that we scheduled a month ago before coronavirus was a thing starts Patreon rewards might be late depending on how the surgery goes Be happy—have some cats
(*NEW JUN'S KITCHEN!*) Traditional Japanese meal for cats youtu.be/HvaQw77UQcw Rice with furikake, miso soup, and fish except it's all made out of cat-safe ingredients
A quick Japanese lesson based on an "argument" Jun and I had for months J: It's a tree, so ____ R: That's not a tree; that’s a shrub J: A shrub is just a small tree R: No, it's a shrub. That's why it's called a shrub In 🇯🇵 shrubs are 低木 (teiboku) Literally "short tree"
You can never have too many cat beds
Gotta get his daily belly rubs
Part 2 of Poki trying to figure out how to be a lap cat He does this thing where he walks up beside me and then falls over, still standing, and just leans against me in that position forever until I move his legs for him so he can lay down
The aftermath of opening packages
The self-isolation experts
Help I'm stuck
I’ve been trying to train Poki to stop screaming for food but the only time he’d pause was when he’d lick his paw, and so now he thinks “shh” means “lick paw” and when it’s food time he just keeps rotating between paw licking and screaming
Video proof This is actually the best he's ever done!! I normally would have given him his food much sooner because he had such long periods of quiet today but I wanted to prove the paw licking wasn't just a coincidence! lol
Jun got foot surgery youtu.be/BnxPLtX_2e8
The look he gives me when Jun catches him trying to sneak food
There's a lot going on right now. Here's a relaxing video of Nagi watching our balcony garden while listening to lofi beats to sleep/chill to
2020 may be a mess for most of us, but this is like the best spring ever for Poki
Here's how my succulent basket turned out! Everything is still alive after two days. So far so good...
Jun: I don't think we should leave the table runner out because it'll get a lot of cat hair on it. Me: We could see how it goes. 30 seconds later: