Rachel & Jun(@RachelAndJun)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Oops, sorry guys, our last tweet was communist. We will take responsibility for our actions and change our channel name to “Jew & Jew” to better reflect our communist nature.
Tokyo Medical University was caught secretly lowering the scores of women’s entrance exams 10-20% to keep the number of female students at 30%. And they’re not sorry they were caught: “It is within the university’s discretion to choose which students to accept.” twitter.com/hikosaemon/sta…
Not just a public bath, but a
Jun made a chicken treat for our kitties the other day and they were very intense about it
At the end of May I had the absolute honor to model for Firefly Path (fireflypathbridal.com)! She made a koi fish-inspired princess gown for me and it was like a dream!! We're uploading our vlogs of our LA trip now so we'll have the vlog for this coming soon, too! :D
We’re looking through model home neighborhoods and this house has a secret tiny kids/storage room. They told us that because the ceiling isn’t high enough it doesn’t count as a “room” and therefore you can avoid property taxes on this extra space lol
If I had been a famous painter during the Renaissance
Haku’s giving me attitude today
(*NEW VIDEO!*) Everything we know about Japan! Or at least a lot of stuff. 50 facts about Japan youtu.be/URDXZSJZ2ME We've been collecting interesting (and hopefully lesser known) facts for years, and we finally get to share it all!!!!! Hope you guys enjoy it :D
Looking through my old photos and just remembered these 😂 Haku didn’t realize how much he was growing and didn’t quite fit in his old bed anymore
It’s too hot to let our cats go out in their cage so we had to improvise. Gotta stare down them birds AT ALL COSTS
I call this piece Postmodern yoga cat It can be hung in any banner or scroll direction. Price: #One BILLION DOLLARS
He’s the only one of our cats who will just fall asleep in the middle of a room so we have to step over him to get anywhere.
I guess I’m not the only one looking for food
There will come a time when I stop spilling water down the front of my shirt when I try to take a drink. But that time is not now.
It’s cooling pad time!
We turned our AC up to the max today and it still couldn’t fight the heat. This wave is NO JOKE. Tomorrow it’s forecasted to feel like 44℃ / 111℉. Hydrate. Hydrate more than that. No, even more. And if you have to walk outside, pop in a conbini every now and then to cool down. twitter.com/japantimes/sta…
We passed through a neighborhood with the most beautiful blue roof tiles like these. 😍 Jun says they look old-fashioned to him, but I think they look like mermaid tails! 近所を運転中、綺麗な青い屋根の家を見かけた。Junには古い印象だけど、私には素敵な人魚🧜‍♀️の尾みたいだった!
I immediately regret stepping outside.
Haku and Nagi getting snuggly with their cat tower pole
The importance of angles.
Great, they’re learning how to work together
I’m just trying to get things done and Nagi’s up there staring at me like
I love this cat so much