Rachel & Jun(@RachelAndJun)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

We got interviewed by the BBC! bbc.com/capital/story/…
Nagi getting a Poki bath
(*NEW JUN'S KITCHEN!*) Blue Berry Cheese Cake (Homemade Yogurt) youtu.be/5Jmce2tUn88
Big fluff boye
Woke up next to my two beautiful boys
Our cats are on high alert
flick flick flick flick Haku found a bug but lost sight of it.
This almost seems like a map of how we can find fulfillment, but sometimes I wonder if we give ourselves too many requirements to meet before we can be “happy.” I don’t think most people will ever reach all 4 categories of this. But I also don’t think you need to to be content. twitter.com/rachelpage13/s…
Failing in my attempts to annoy Haku
(*NEW VIDEO!*) Our greatest cat video yet youtu.be/bkjsm4AJnM8 Haku, Poki, and Nagi's individual quirks and personalities all caught on camera With fluffy Nagi tails And newly evolved Poki crazies And heckin bigboye Haku's weird obsessions
Help which picture is a better thumbnail for a cat video
Kohaku...you’re too big. :b -Jun
Haku is such a b i g b o y e
In some positive news, here is Nagi and he is adorable. More kitties in our next video!
I’m getting tired of people making the same comments about why women HAVE to be limited from entering medical school. The #1 reason they keep posting is “Women don’t like to work hard so they don’t choose to become surgeons.” Apparently none of them actually followed the news.
Morning cat
We’re in a cafe and the music is very tropical, quite nice, and then... I hear... no, it couldn’t be Wait THIS IS STAR WARS Which one of you made a tropical mix of Star Wars songs and how did this tiny-ass Japanese cafe in the middle of nowhere find it
Working on the greatest cat video of all time. What things would you like to see our cats compared at?
(*NEW VIDEO!*) A lot of you guys asked us to translate more stories from Japanese women so here it is. Also included are updated statistics on gender inequality in Japan and Jun's thoughts. What Japanese women are saying about discrimination in Japan youtu.be/T-HWoLVJdoY
My brother just sent me these What can I say, it runs in the family
Round 2 of doing my own gel nails! I stole this design from the internet
I’ve had a cold for a few days. Jun just came to me and said J: I have good news and bad news, what do you want to hear first? R: Bad news is you’re sick. J: Yep. R: But at least we can hug again!! J: That was my good news!! Idk why I’m sharing this. It just made us laugh a lot
Because of the news that Tokyo Medical University has been lowering women's entrance exam scores, Japanese women are using the hashtag #私たちは女性差別に怒っていい (It's okay for us to be angry about sexism toward women) to share their own stories of sexism. Heartbreaking.
"My parents told me 'Girls don't need an education.' To prove them wrong I succeeded in entering the highest ranked university in Japan. When I applied for jobs I was told 'If you were a man we'd have hired you instantly.' My enemy wasn't just my parents. It was all of society." twitter.com/hana_taro725/s…