JUST IN: One day before pro-democracy primary election, #HKPolice just raided the office of #HK’s survey body (Public Opinion Research Institute), accused it of dishonest use of computer and took away all computers, days after the enactment of #nationalsecuritylaw.
Less than a week after #NationalSecurityLaw has been put in place, #Hongkong's public libraries started to put books under review and suspend them from lending, including two of mine published in 2013 and 2015.
[#JoshuaWong Letter before sentencing] I said ‘it’s tougher for you to be out there’. By this I mean not only the emotional burden of having friends incarcerated but the sweeping control on many aspects in HK’s society (Credit: AFP)
Here’s Why Jackie Chan Is Really Unpopular in Hong Kong
Hong Kong’s plight is a Tiananmen Square moment for the free world telegraph.co.uk/opinion/2020/0…
최근 한국의 한 언론과의 인터뷰 중 '광주민주화운동'을 언론에서 '광주사태'로 번역을 하였습니다. 저는 광주사태(光州事態)라는 단어는 사용한 적이 없습니다.
It's time for Beijing loyalists and puppet to stop their attack towards @bts_bighit @BTS_twt. 😡😡😡
#BeWithYou, #BeWATER with #BTS
#Breaking: Charged under #nationalsecuritylaw, 19yo teen activist #TonyChung was reportedly arrested at a coffee shop by 4 national security agents this morning before his bid to seek asylum at #US Consulate General.
Earlier this morning, #Thai people from all ages also appeared at today's rally to protest against the military-backed govt. "Let this end in grandma's generation," one of the ralliers said.
NMSL = No More Security Law
It is our greatest fear that 12 HKers being detained now might face...Since their situation is extremely critical, given China's highly controversial system in Blackbox, we hope the world can keep watch on and especially hope that they can be back safe.
Under loosely defined terms, #Hkers were warned of breaching #NationalSecurityLaw for displaying just white papers, without any slogan. Now #hkpolice is suggesting #China's national security will be threatened because of pieces of white papers.
After banned #AnimalCrossing in China, perhaps now might be the time for Beijing consider to ban #McDonald or at least not allow McDonald sale Chicken McNuggets and french fries together lol...... #TankMan
China will rewrite the Bible and Quran to 'reflect socialist values' mol.im/a/7824541 via @MailOnline
Indeed. Italy should not fall into the Italian province of China. twitter.com/GiulioTerzi/st…
[First day of national security law: #HKers will not surrender]
1/ When #Beijing has defied social oppositions and enacted the sweeping #nationalsecuritylaw in #HK, The UK government has offered an important lifeboat by opening path to citizenship for #HKers.
2. Inside the police station, lawyers were barred from meeting detainees, while plainclothes police unlawfully assaulted and choked them. One of them Mike blacked out after suffering rounds of #policebrutality.
At the turn of #newyear2020, 1.03 million #hkers took to the street. As one of the largest demonstration since June last year, #hongkongprotestes want to show our persistent thrust for democracy and freedoms in the city under the tyrannical rule of #CCP.
[This year might be the last year of annual #TiananmenVigil in #Hongkong]
1. 31 years ago, Beijing crushed dissents with tanks and guns. 31 years later, Beijing is ripping out our democratic aspiration with a tyrannical law.
🇮🇹 1/ The Chinese government has been quite critical of my speech at the Italian parliament, calling the Italian government "irresponsible". I think China's criticism is completely out of reason and shows no respect to the basic freedoms of people from other democracies.
Shot blind when covering #HKProtests, Indonesian journalist Veby Mega Indah now sue Police. But they refused to provide any info, after previously rejecting investigation into #policebrutrality. She needs your help to identify the police in this picture, & may justice be served.