Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 😷(@joshuawongcf)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

I hereby declare withdrawing from Demosisto... If my voice will not be heard soon, I hope that the international community will continue to speak up for Hong Kong and step up concrete efforts to defend our last bit of freedom.
Joshua was further arrested under NSL today. WITHOUT legal representative this morning, he was taken to Laichikok Reception center to take statement. It is not known yet when and where this investigation will lead him to. Joshua has now returned to ShekPik Prison. (Apple Daily)
4/ As we stand in solidarity with people in Thailand, the #MilkTeaAlliance, together we shall weather the authoritarian storm and reclaim our freedom, irrespective of the cost, the pain and tears ahead of us. Tattep Ruangprapaikitseree, @paritchi and @NetiwitC, I am on your side.
1/ From anti-extradition law to anti-national security law, more than thousands of #Hongkongers took to streets to protest against this highly controversial law since the new law will kill future democratic movements, and murder any slight chance to seeking justice in the city.
I strongly condemn the latest arrest of @JimmyLaiApple.…
Thank @NetiwitC and our brave friends in #Thailand for standing with #Hongkong and #JoshuaWong. Meanwhile, #Thais are fighting a tough battle for democracy and justice as well. #Hongkongers will continue #StandwithThailand in our common cause.…
While buying paint for homework, a 12yo girl was brutally smashed to ground by #hkpolice, after she was terrified and tried to run away. In #policestate under #nationalsecuritylaw, you will face #policebrutality even though you are just going shopping.……
Defending democracy is vital, but @KingJames only talks loud in the US. On China, not only is he silent, he actively shuts others up. He called @dmorey "misinformed" and "not really educated" for supporting #HongKong. All he cares about is money, not human rights. Hypocritical.…
HKPolice fired tear gas & pepper spray to disperse thousands protesting against Beijing’s plan to directly impose national security laws on HK. Armoured vehicles & water cannon deployed to tackle protests amid China plans to force through security laws.…
1/ Arrested on August 30, my phone was seized by #hkpolice. The phone can only be unlocked with passwords. Before court resumed yesterday, I have NEVER provided any passwords to #police, nor received any notice nor warrant for a search of my mobile device.
[Teen activists in #Thailand were choked to faint today] 1. Today #Thaigov used its new tactic to stifle dissents again, by re-arresting student protesters #Mike, #Panusaya and #Penguin, right upon they were released and left the police station.
We must stand up and fight back. More than thousands of HKers take back to the street again, including @SunnyCheungky, #JannelleLeung, #TiffanyYuen and I. Time is running out in Hong Kong. We need to try our best to oppose the evil national security law.
Before #Beijing is getting ready to impose the most controversial national security law upon #HongKong tonight. I unusually failed to post anything on my Facebook Page. #Article23 #nationalsecuritylaw #Hongkong
After one year, #HKPoliceBrutality intensifies. Tonight #hkpolice suddenly charged at unarmed #HKers causing chaos that made a pregnant woman fallen on the ground. #Police then pepper-sprayed reporters to stop them from reporting. #HongKongProtests…
최근 한국에서 코로나 19 확진자 수가 급격하게 증가하고 있어 안타까운 마음입니다. 지난 시간 많은 한국 국민들께서 ‘홍콩 민주화운동’을 지지하고 응원해주셨습니다. 응원해주셨던 한국 국민들께 항상 감사의 마음을 가지고 있습니다.
Seen on Facebook 🤔
First time in #HK's history: #hongkongers are warned that their flags, banners, slogans or other behaviours during demonstrations or protests may be arrested on charges of "secession" or "subversion of state power" under #NationalSecurityLaw, which was once only found in #China.
3/ It becomes imperative for us to continue speaking out of them, until the day freedom there is resurrected and reclaimed. Walking in this longer darker night can be terrifying, but we are not alone. @tedhuichifung @kalvinhkm @figochanhowun
[Students are not puppets] 1. Calling for education reform, protection of #freespeech in schools and democracy, #Thai high school students today rallied outside #Thailand’s education ministry, with white ribbons urging the release of detained activists in prison.
.@chowtingagnes stay safe.
Oh no, Xi Jinping banned #AnimalCrossing in China (apparently because I play it), and these angry gamers are blaming me everywhere instead of blaming their own government lol 🤨🎮🎮
Despite #Thaigov’s threat of media meltdown & Computer Crimes Act that criminalizes online speeches, brave #thais held another mass rally today, after PM #Prayut refused to answer ppl’s #threedemands #ม็อบ25ตุลา #WhatsHappeninglnThailand #MilkTeaAlliance #standwiththailand
2. At least 27 activists, including prominent figures Anon Nampa, Prasit Karutarote, Parit “Penguin” Chiwarak @paritchi, Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul & Nutchanon Pairoj, were arrested. Police can intercept citizens’ communications, impose travel bans on Thais & deport foreigners.
This is a secondary school student and @demosisto volunteer pressed to the floor by several cops’ knees in Causeway Bay last night, before he was arrested. This was not even during a protest, but at a routine street booth we held. Police brutality is real.