3. Worse still, he may face graver charges if #police crack his clients' phones w/ phone hacking tools like #Cellebrite & find any suspicious conversations. He hopes his bail can be granted & #12hkyouths can come back safe. After all, #Hongkongers hope he can be released soon.
Joshua Wong nach seiner Verhaftung im Gespräch jetzt.de/politik/joshua… #Politik via @jetzt Der Hongkonger Demokratie-Aktivist Joshua Wong wurde am Mittwoch kurzzeitig verhaftet. Im Gespräch erklärt er die Hintergründe.
The fate of the ‘democracy dozen’ will point to #HongKong’s future 1. "Police detained and levelled new charges at pro-democracy leader Joshua Wong...the move is part of a widening crackdown against prominent defenders of #HK's freedoms and rule of law." washingtonpost.com/opinions/globa…
2. "Also alarming is the fate of a dozen young protesters who ... attempted to flee HK by speedboat to #Taiwan. Is #China preparing to prosecute these 12 young people on more serious charges, and without any of the legal rights that HK’s system once afforded?" #save12hkyouths
Masala Tea👍 #MilkTeaAlliance
Bürgerrechtler erneut festgenommen zdf.de/nachrichten/he… Joshua Wong, Idol der "Regenschirmrevolution“ in HK, wurde erneut festgenommen: Er sei wegen Teilnahme an einer nicht genehmigten Demonstration angeklagt.
“The arrest of one of Hong Kong's most prominent opposition figures for wearing a face mask – at a time when wearing one is compulsory in the city – is yet another example of the government’s campaign to silence dissent by any means.” vice.com/en_us/article/…
An: Frau Bundesrätin Karin Keller-Sutter, Herr Mario Gattiker (Staatssekretariat für Migration SEM) Gefahr bei Erneuerung des Sicherheitsabkommens Schweiz-China /Dangerous Swiss-China secret agreement act.campax.org/petitions/gefa…
[Cultural Revolution 2.0 in #Hongkong] 1. @mingpaocom reported, pro-#CCP lawmaker Junius Ho sent #China’s Liaison Office’s new directive to #Beijing loyalists’ chat group, urging for a “struggle against the three big mountains in #HK - legal, education & social service”.
2. For legal struggle, CCP reportedly calls for “more influence in judge nomination” & “requiring judges attending pro-China courses”. Edu struggle means sacking pro-democracy teachers & cancelling liberal studies, while struggle in social service demands NGOs supporting gov.
3. Twenty-four hours after Beijing’s directive of “new struggles” was leaked, CCP mouthpieces blasted the city's chief justice, #GeoffreyMa, for just reiterating the principle of judicial impartiality and refusing judicial reforms in the city.
4. Clearly legal, education & social service sectors become new targets under #nationalsecuritylaw. #Beijing seeks to put the city's professionals under control & make them serve only its political interests. Political red lines become the new doctrine over professional standards
Six former Canadian ministers call for release of jailed Chinese dissident in open letter /via @globeandmail theglobeandmail.com/politics/artic…
Hi, @AmbLiuXiaoMing. Why do you need to block @NathanLaw? Here is @Twitter not @SinaWeibo. Don’t apply what you have done in China to the free world that is without great firewall.
[Noors: Verdensomspennende begjæring om umiddelbar retur fra fastlands-Kina av 12 arresterte hongkongere] Hongkongs myndigheter ma beskytte sine innbyggeres rettigheter, og umiddelbart sørge for trygg retur av de arresterte til Hongkong bit.ly/save12youthspe…
[How #Beiing treats #ClimateStrike at home] 1. While #China claims to reach carbon neutrality by 2060, it is better for the world to draw attention to how this world’s biggest carbon emitter actually treats green activists at home. vice.com/en_us/article/…
6. Unlike other gov-funded NGOs that dare not challenge gov, Howey is excluded from events abt climate change in #China. While #Beijing silences scientists & hides facts from public, Chinese companies are allowed to destroy nature & many don’t care abt it nor believe in science.
7 When #China promises to take action, its tolerance on green activism is litmus test of its willingness to implement the plan.Don't forget China's 2015 documentary #UnderTheDome on air pollution was banned within a week after unveiling failure of Chinese regulations on pollution
[Remember 12 HKers being detained in Mainland China]   It has been 37 days since 12 HKers were arrested by the China Coast Guard in the name of illegal entry - contacts with family members lawyers are still rejected while no information has been received from the detainees.
They are youngsters who love HK; while their detainees. Your attention on the issue, though might not be able to necessarily bring them back to HK immediately, can at least protect them, bringing a glimpse of hope to their family members. @save12hkyouths
喬映瑜 Qiao   Despite a lack of related information, she is a girl who loves Hong Kong. Under severe depression, hardly can we imagine how she could endure 33 days without the assistance of medicine, alone.
張俊富 Cheung, 22   Being a student form the Open University, he should have been similar to other people, leading a simple life. Instead of opting for pleasant university life, he chose to stand up for HK. We hope that he can safely return home, together with 11 of the others.
嚴文謙 Yim, 21   He is also a student. It was alleged that he was in Yantian, ShangShen China. At that time, his hair had been totally shaved and his eyes dully glazed over – could anyone imagine what had he experienced?
黃臨福 Hoang, 16 Wong is the youngest among the 12 detainees. Supposedly, as a teen under 18, he can't entrust a lawyer on his on device. However, HKGov claimed that Wong voluntarily did so. Wong’s family lawyers requested a meeting with officials but were forced to withdraw.
鄧棨然 Tang, 30   Suffering from asthma and skin disease, 30-year old Tang might not have medicine since related information was not found. Worrying, his mother’s every single word in the press conference was heartbreaking to many.