1. #HKgov now demands #US to drop the new label ban and stresses its products are not made in China. One local exporter told @appledaily_hk, slamming HKgov for being hypocritical since it previously arrested now-disbanded Demosisto members for selling “not-made-in-China” masks.
2. The exporter added HKgov always stresses One Country is above everything, even the Two Systems, "When the world starts to treat HK in the same way as they do to other mainland cities, our government now emphasizes 'independence of #HongKong’ instead. It's just ridiculous."
🇵🇹 [Portugal tem o direto de visitar portador de passaporte detido na China]
O Joshua Wong disse à agência Lusa que as autoridades portuguesas têm o direito de visitar o jovem estudante de Hong Kong com nacionalidade chinesa e portuguesa detido na China.
2/ But it looks that the #Portuguese Consulate office has yet to intend to visit the detained Portuguese national in person. Earlier his lawyer worried that efforts of the Portuguese authorities are 'far from satisfactory'.
#Day27 [Right of visiting 12 detainees declined]
1/ While #CCP may claim that the group is not under consular protection, the right of visiting 12 detainees by consulate is an absolutely legitimate & reasonable demand, especially for a🇵🇹 #Portugese national & 2 #UK #BNO holders.
3/ Not a day goes by #HK people worrying about the situtaion of them. What makes the situation so dire is that they are completely disconnected with the outside world. God knows how does the #Chinese authorities treat them in detention. #Save12HKyouths @save12hkyouths
[First judge resigns amid #nationalsecuritylaw]
1. Appalled to hear that our prominent #Australian judge James Spigelman resigned from #HK appeals court over #NSL, days after #Beijing claims there is no separation of powers in HK
3. #HKers can also be taken to #China’s courts w/o legal access, just like #12hkyouths now detained for nearly one month. Their family-instructed lawyers are reportedly forced to quit the case under #Beijing's pressure. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
Wow, 4.7 million votes cast in the @TIME 100 poll, and my friend @nathanlawkc came in No. 1. Thank you for his hard work and sacrifices. Thank you for everyone who, through backing him, support #HongKong's broader fight for democracy. Congrats! time.com/5889780/time-1…
Completely devastated at the passing of Justice #RuthBaderGinsburg. As a courageous pioneer who shattered barriers and paved the way, your legacy will continue inspiring generations of fearless fighters for liberty and justice. Rest in power forever. #RIPRBG #RIPNotoriousRBG
홍콩 민주화 인사 네이선 로, 2020 ‘타임지 영향력 100인’에 선정
Hong Kong pro-democracy activist ranked No.1 in 2020 TIME100 Reader Poll | Stand News | 立場新聞 thestandnews.com/english/hong-k…
2/ The diocese has issued new instructions to Catholic schools to discourage students from participating in protests, published textbooks with guidance on how to “contribute to their nation” with a clear pro-Beijing slant...
1/ Even in HK, the regime appears to have already exerted an influence over the Catholic diocese, directly or indirectly. Cardinal Tong issued instructions to all priests to “watch your language” in homilies & avoid making politically provocative comments.
3/ ...and it banned an initiative by Catholic activists to mobilize a prayer campaign for Hong Kong. It is unclear whether the pressure for these measures came from Beijing or Rome, or out of fear in the diocese of the wrath of both.
by @benedictrogers
#Day28 my op-ed @zeitonline - 'it would be a horrendous signal to the world if Hong Kong surrendered jurisdiction over the case and directly had @andy_is_missing and others detained and tried in China.' #Save12HKyouths twitter.com/zeitonline/sta…
【Global Petition: Immediate Return of the 12 HK Detainees from Mainland China!】bit.ly/save12youthspe…
We urge people to sign on the petition that translated into Deutsche, Français, Español, Italiano, にほんご, 한국어, ไทย, Tiếng Việt, فارسی. @save12hkyouths #savehk12youths
【Petición global:¡Proteja los derechos humanos de HK! Pide al gobierno chino que devuelva a los 12 hongkoneses arrestados】
Solicitamos al gobierno de Hong Kong que proteja los derechos de la gente de HK y que los lleve inmediatamente de China a HK.
【Menschenrechte der HKer*innen bewahren und die chinesische Regierung zur Freilassung von 12 inhaftierten Hongkongern auffordern】
Die Rechte der Hongkonger*innen zu bewahren und die 12 Inhaftierten sofort von Festlandchina nach HK zurückzuholen.
【Pétition Mondiale : Sauvegarder des Droits de l'homme des Hongkongais! Exiger le retour des 12 Hongkongais!】
Nous réclamons au gouvernement hongkongais de protéger les droits des habitants de HK et de ramener les 12 détenus de Chine à HK sans délai.
【홍콩인의 인권을 보장하라! 체포된 12명의 홍콩인을 송환할 것을 요구한다.】
가족들이 의뢰한 변호사와 구류된 12명의 홍콩인들이 만날 수 있도록 하라. 중국 구류된 시민들에게 적절한 약을 제공할 것을 요구한다. 중국 구류자들에게 전화를 허가할 것을 요구한다.
【ร่วมลงนามพร้อมกันทั่วโลก: เพื่อพิทักษ์สิทธิมนุษยชนของชาวฮ่องกง ขอให้รัฐบาลจีนปล่อยตัวชาวฮ่องกงทั้ง 12 คนโดยทันที】
เราขอให้รัฐบาลฮ่องกงปกป้องสิทธิของคนฮ่องกงและนำคนฮ่องกงทั้ง 12 คนออกจากจีนกลับยังฮ่องกงโดยทันที