Even state TV employees went on strike in #Belarus to protest against #policebrutality & election frauds. Here is today's morning TV show. Both as the oppressed under tyranny, #Hongkongers #StandWithBelarus in their fight for democracy. #жывебеларусь
[Vlog:10 Questions in 5 minutes — It is not the end of democracy in Hong Kong] patreon.com/posts/40580052
🇦🇺 [Joshua Wong urges Australia to keep a close eye on the city] sbs.com.au/news/hong-kong… "First, it's Hong Kong, next it's Taiwan. Later on, it's other countries in the Asia-Pacific. “I think it's for the better that Australia’s government is concerned.”
"Every day when I sleep, I can't predict if will I be arrested suddenly. Being stalked and tracked by unknown cars and motorcycles is part of my daily life. The most uncertainty is around... the risk of being extradited to China and being given a life sentence.”
“With the threat of Beijing, we still need to continue to fight," he said. "That's the reason for me staying based in Hong Kong, to urge more people to support our course on democracy." “It's a difficult time, but in such an uphill battle, it's not the time for us to surrender.”
To support our fight for the city’s future, we wish the voice of Hongkongers could be heard around the world: patreon.com/joshuawong
August 17 of 3 years ago, I was locked up by Beijing at 20. I would never forget the difficult time in prison because that motivate me continue to engage uphill battle. No matter what happen, I still wish the voice of HKers could be heard around the world: patreon.com/joshuawong
오늘은 "행동하는 양심"을 말씀하셨던 한국 민주화의 아버지 故김대중 대통령님의 서거 11주기입니다. 저도 故김대중 대통령님을 추모하는 뜻으로 헌화를 하였습니다. 今天是韓國前總統金大中先生的去世11週年。金先生在世時,始終堅持以做出行動來實踐信念和良心,我也向金大重先生的靈前獻了花。
Joshua Wong told Sky News host Brent O’Halloran “the threat we face is tremendous, with the uncertainty of life sentence.” “Hong Kong is not Hong Kong anymore,” he said. “But with the spirit of Hong Kongers we still continue to fight.” facebook.com/joshuawongchif…
[#HKers calling on #Cellebrite to halt selling phone hacking technologies to #Belarus] #standwithbelarus 1/ Phone hacking tech is one of the weapons abused by authoritarian regimes to stamp out dissidents, in particular, crackdowns on leaderless movements in both Belarus and HK.
2/ Solely in #Hongkong, throughout #hkprotests last year, #hkpolice has been using Cellebrite's hacking technology to crack at least 4000 #Hkprotesters’ phones without consent, with our private conversation used by authoritarian regimes for political purges.
4/ It has deadly consequences in Belarus. As the only country in Europe that maintains death penalties, the #Belarus government has been arresting and torturing activists, journalists, bloggers and academics.
3/ Recently, a group of Israeli human rights lawyers have found that the investigation units of dictatorship in #Belarus have been using Cellebrite's forensic system, #UFED Touch, to break the defence systems in smartphones.
5/ The tyrannical use of digital forensics technologies is another weapon for dictator #Lukashenko to launch assaults on freedom-loving Belarus people.
6/ To protect our #Belarusian fellows from crackdowns, #HKers call upon @Cellebrite_UFED and Israeli government to stop exporting cyber forensics technologies to #Belarus. #EU should impose export bans on all equipment that can be used for international repression in Belarus.
7/ In the face of tyranny, #HKers and people in #Belarus face the shared destiny of the oppressed, from #policebrutality, election frauds to the crackdowns on civil society. We hope the world can #standwithbelarus and other democracy pursuers in other places like #Thailand.
Poll: Should @Cellebrite_UFED stop selling phone-hacking products to the Belarus government under the rule of dictator Lukashenko?
“The innovative idea of Milk Tea Alliance will enhance more students to push forward global solidarity which might confront hardline crackdown,” Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong told Reuters. #MilkTeaAlliance reuters.com/article/asia-p…
I believe that Hong Kong should welcome Uber’s offer to invest, and that the Government should make regulating ridesharing a priority. regulateuber.hk/en/show-your-s…
“It’s still an element of shock. I never thought this make you end up as a refugee — it's hard to swallow.” J hasn't given up on his home. “This is just my way to protect, wait for moment to fight back. If we are patient, I believe we will see the dawn.” washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pac…
저는 아시아의 네 마리 용, 한국과 대만의 민주적 프로세스는 홍콩에서도 참고할 만하다는 생각을 해왔습니다. 특히 ‘아시아의 만델라’라고도 불리는 김대중 대통령이 실천하여 이룬 외교적 성과와 국제적 경험은 오늘날 백색 테러의 충격을 겪고 있는 홍콩에게도 시사점을 줄 것이라 생각합니다.
김대중 전 대통령은 살아계실 당시 민주화운동에 일생을 바치셨습니다. 그 과정에서 가택연금, 망명, 감금, 납치를 당하셨고 심지어 사형까지 선고받으셨습니다. 그런 상황 속에서도 민주화를 향해 나아간 끝에 1998년 대통령에 당선돼 2000년 노벨평화상을 받았습니다. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
'We want a fairer society': Freddy Lim, Taiwan's metalhead MP theguardian.com/music/2020/aug…