4/ That's my reason to support resolution introduced by @MarshaBlackburn to condemn Beijing provided misinformation to downplay risks of #WuhanVirus, refusal to cooperate with international health authorities, internal censorship of doctors & journalists. congress.gov/bill/116th-con…
3/ Draconian laws strengthen authoritarian-inclined leaders’ grip on the city’s liberties. but it only makes more HKerds support democracy in HK. In our cause for democracy, we hope the world can continue to #standwithhk & confront Beijing crackdown.
When teens of #Hongkong seek changes, authoritarian #China refuses to listen. twitter.com/demosisto/stat…
Wakanda in Asia : Taiwan ? 1. You heard of it yet don't know where it is. 2. It's a country with happy, wealthy residents and advance technology. 3. Led by a Feline President. 4. This country is now trying to save the world from Covid-19. facebook.com/photo.php?fbid…
1/ Free speech is a complex, nuanced, contested term. It's being pulled from multiple directions. What are yr conceptions of free speech? 1.1/ The outbreak of coronavirus indeed demonstrates that free speech is more than just a matter of freedom: it’s a matter of life & death.
2/ 200000 demonstrators formed the 25-mile ‘HK Way”’across the city. People lit up the city’s mountaintops with protest demands. But Beijing will not listen, and instead suppresses protestors – be they children, elderly, pregnant women, journalists – with police brutality.
1/ The answer to the question of violence and nonviolence depends on a government’s response. Hongkongers have used the most peaceful ways possible to call for change. 2 million citizens took to the street to demand political reforms.
3/ It is understandable, then, that tensions escalate. It is my belief, however, that all those clashes could have been avoided by – and the political dilemma can only be resolved with – genuine political reform. The democratisation experiences of South Korea & Taiwan echo this.
4/ Before universal suffrage, protesters used both violent and nonviolent action in their cause. Afterwards, the use of violence vanished. This is because democracy is the only way for people to see hope in the system.
5/ Standing with Hong Kong: An Interview with Joshua Wong, authors of #UnfreeSpeech, discuss free speech in Hong Kong, coronavirus, and the role of literature in campaigning for global democracy: pentransmissions.com/2020/03/31/sta… More about my book: hyperurl.co/unfreespeech
1/ After US & EU thanked #Taiwan’s donation of millions of masks, #China is now tightening its grip on freedom of speech even on video games in Taiwan. Swordsman Love 3 or JX3, is developed by Chines company Xishanju and its operation in Taiwan is proxied by Wanan International.
3/ The Chinese developer put pressure on Wanin to “handle the issue with real action”, but Wanin defied the political pressure and vowed to defend the freedom of speech of Taiwan players. Less than 30 minutes, the Chinese side decided to terminate the cooperation agreement.
4/ The incident unfolds China’s ambition to extend its claws from the business activities in the real world, such as the airline and hospitality industry, to the virtual world. With its economic clout, China is now pressuring business circles to take its side on Taiwan and HK.
[For Autocrats, and Others, Coronavirus Is a Chance to Grab Even More Power] nytimes.com/2020/03/30/wor… Leaders around the world have passed emergency decrees and legislation expanding their reach during the pandemic. Will they ever relinquish them?
What value & risks for you feel solidarity from different international contexts can hold? 1/ The support for freedoms can be found in many countries. The authoritarian threat from China is real to all of them.
3/ Also, Xi praises the superiority of the authoritarian regimes over democracies through propaganda programmes, and bends international communities to his political will. In other words, the authoritarian threat is at their doorstep, which is why they stand with Hong Kong.
The first Ex-/lawmaker found guilty since the anti-extradition movement because of using loudhailer to “assault” police (!?) My former boss in Legco, @loktinau Au Nok-hin has been found guilty of two counts of assaulting police with loudhailer. This is the HK style rule of law.
If you speak loud to the police, you are guilty of assault. facebook.com/37512311952898…
Au Nok-hin @loktinau is the first former member of the city's legislature to be successfully prosecuted for taking part in the protests and the most high profile figure convicted to date. news.yahoo.com/hong-kong-ex-l…
Let's pray for @BorisJohnson’s recovery to overcome the #WuhanVirusMadeInChina. wsj.com/articles/as-u-…
Ex-pro-democracy lawmaker Au Nok-hin was convicted of assault on Monday for using a loudhailer near a police officer. This is the way of how HKGov manipulates the legal system as a hard-line tool to silence the dissident voice. hongkongfp.com/2020/04/06/hon…
1/ Why are booksellers, writers & publishers seen as such a threat to undemocratic governance? 1.1/ Under digital authoritarianism, China has established successful ways of censoring. For printed materials, the cost is much higher.
“Animal Crossing is a place without political censorship so it is a good place to continue our fight,” Joshua Wong. “Even lawmakers in HK are playing this game,” he says. Joshua recently started playing the game himself. wired.co.uk/article/animal…
In Joshua’s island, he is standing in front of a tiny hut in jeans and what look like Timberland boots, holding a hatchet in his hands. His garden is decorated with a big black protest banner and portraits of President Xi & Carrie Lam, as well as a pink cherry tree in full bloom.
Even at the end of her career, she was up-to-date on every development and sharing her wisdom with the practice. She’ll be missed and remembered very, very fondly.” #Salute #RIP theguardian.com/society/2020/a…