5/ 그러나 지난 시간 한국의 민주 시민들은 지혜롭고 강인했습니다.
절대로 침묵하지 않았습니다.
4.19 민주화운동, 5.18 광주민주화운동, 6월민주항쟁 등 너무도 부럽고 가슴 뛰는 민주 혁명이 한국 전역에서 벌어졌고,
Days with topmost arrests, with numbers of arrests:
Nov 18: #SiegeOfPolyu, 1071
Jan 1: New Year's Rally, banned, 351
Oct 1: Protests on #China's national day, 299
Nov 11: #SiegeofCUHK, 296
Nov 2: Election rally, banned, 262
Nov 19: #SiegeOfPolyu, 216
Nov 13: #SiegeofCUHK, 211
3/ The innovative ‘Milk Tea Alliance’ is more about how netizens and key opinion leaders on social media can take a leadership role and generate pressure against the momentum of Beijing’s propaganda machine. It will enhance more students to push forward global solidarity.
4. No scientific proof: WHO experts said board population testing is costly & unrealistic, while health minister of Taiwan also said universal testing is not practical to block sources of infection and stressed the importance of border closures instead.
4/ #MilkTeaAlliance represented not only widespread anger over China’s stance on Hong Kong, Taiwan, Xinjiang and Tibet, but also wider regional issues linked to growing Chinese influence and expansion through its Belt and Road initiative and infrastructure development.
5/ They also said protesters were made to count aloud and shout "Thank you, sir", as prison staff beat their hands and feet. Tom said that when prison staff weren’t satisfied with any answers they got from new inmates, they would start swearing at them and hitting them.
4. It is the first time ever that even religious activities in #Hongkong were allegedly surveilled by #China’s agents two months after the new #nationalsecuritylaw has been put in place.
4/ 민주화 시위자들에게 가혹한 고문과 처벌을 통해 민주화 운동을 억압하려 시도했던 아픈 역사가 있었습니다. 민주화운동을 위해 거리로 나섰던 많은 민주 시민들이 한국에 존재했던 ‘국가보안법’이라는 이름의 법률로부터 처벌받고 억압받아 왔습니다.
@apocalypse19 Very powerful video with powerful bondage among people in #Thailand as well. Wish all freedom-loving people around the world can stand with you guys in your fight for #Thailanddemocracy
2/ It is because I have been prosecuted for organising, knowingly participating in and inciting others to participate in unauthorised assembly, the trial with @chowtingagnes and @ivanlamviiv will end on 23 Nov and I may be probably remanded in custody by the magistrate.
2/ 문재인 대통령은 홍콩에 대한 지지를 표명하는 것에 주저하는 경향이 있습니다. 이것에 대해 어떻게 생각하십니까?
2.1/ “이해관계가 인권 원칙보다 우선시 되어서는 안됩니다. 특히 문재인 대통령은 예전에 인권변호사였습니다.