Good to see @realDonaldTrump signing the Hong Kong Autonomy Act into law today. Given Beijing's ongoing crackdown on Hong Kong, this bipartisan legislation offers the administration new tools to respond. Moving forward, I urge the Congress to adopt the Hong Kong Safe Harbor Act. twitter.com/SenToomey/stat…
WHO Needs to Quit Being Polite With China!
The coronavirus poses a global health risk that’s more important than appeasing a major donor to the agency.
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 twitter.com/chowtingagnes/…
'5·18 광주'서 미래 찾는 홍콩인들
[CBS노컷뉴스 송정훈 기자] "어떤 이는 오늘의 홍콩이 40년 전 광주와 같다고 합니다. 저는 이 말에 동의합니다. 현재 한국 국민들은 직접 대통령을 뽑을 수 있고, 민주적인 정치 제도가 있습니다. 저는 한국 국민
“China, Disney’s last, best hope to turn the movie into a hit, silenced all coverage of the film on the mainland a couple of days before its release. All Disney’s pandering to Chinese authorities meant nothing as soon as there was a whiff of political trouble.”
#BoycottMulan twitter.com/ForeignPolicy/…
[My comment on UN Security Council statement unexpectedly omitted the phrase ‘Berlin process’]
1/ I find entirely absurd & utterly alarming that 🇨🇳 flexes its muscles in 🇺🇳 & denies 🇩🇪 credit by chopping its contributions to Libya just because @HeikoMaas held a meeting with me.
ありがとうございます twitter.com/takeshi_tsurun…
[#Policebrutality in police stations is beyond our imagination.]
1/ Uncountable arrestees filed their torture complaints to courts since last summer, while 100+ had to stay in hospitals & miss the hearings due to severe injuries eg. concussions, broken bones & vision loss.
4/ Not to mention that expats will also suffer, especially when #China is carrying out #WolfWarrior diplomacy worldwide. 2 Canadians became victims of hostage diplomacy as retaliation against the arrest of #Huawei's Meng. Foreign reporters were denied entry for political reasons.
Thailand latest: Royalists vow to counter reformers on Sunday asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Turbu… Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong places a sign in support of protesters in Thailand outside the country's consulate in the city.
I don't believe China will succeed in intimidating HKers but would instead “prompt them to resist”. If anti-subversion law goes ahead, hundreds of thousands are expected to be up in arms again, reigniting protest which has largely paused amid coronavirus. theguardian.com/world/2020/apr…
All eyes on the president tomorrow. Let's see what happens. I very much hope the administration will strike the right balance between exerting economic pressure on China and defending Hong Kongers' rights. twitter.com/jeffreychngo/s…
Au Nok-hin @loktinau is the first former member of the city's legislature to be successfully prosecuted for taking part in the protests and the most high profile figure convicted to date.
1/ Today #HK court ruled that #hkpolice can go through the arrested's phone without a warrant. More importantly, it is the first time that #hkpolice has admitted using software provided by Cellebrite @Cellebrite_UFED and MSAB @MSAB_XRY to crack my iPhone without my consent.
조슈아 웡: 홍콩은 우리가 사는 곳, 스스로 운명 정할 수 없다면 미래는 없다
"'홍콩 보안법'은 코로나19 상황 이용해 홍콩 자치권 침해하려는 의도다."
Han Kuo-yu, who's aligned himself with authoritarian China's interest, has been booted as mayor of #Kaohsiung by democratic vote. A great victory for #democracy and a clear message from Taiwanese saying "no" to Xi Jinping and Beijing's influence on #Taiwan.
They can’t kill us all. My message during the first anniverary of anti-extraidtional bill movement. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
Thank you @SpeakerPelosi! twitter.com/jeffreychngo/s…
10/ China made a Joint-Declaration together with Britain before Handover of HK to promised “1Country2System” and universal suffrage for HK in 1984. It is bounded Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which is an international agreement governing treaties between states.
On 23rd Aug 2020, 12 Hong Kong youths were arrested near the South-East waters from Hong Kong by the Guangdong Coast Guard and were allegedly detained at the Yantian District Detention Centre (“the Centre”) in Shenzhen. #save12hkyouths @save12hkyouths
2. The excuse they use is that I describe #nationalsecuritylaw as a draconian law, which shows that I do not support this sweeping law.
For decades, HK has facilitated the influx of global capital and otherwise unavailable goods (high-tech products) into China. Leaders in Beijing continue to reap the benefits of this arrangement while our freedoms deteriorate. They can’t have it both ways.
[With its claws sharpened, Beijing toughens penalties under #NationalSecurityLaw]
1. Defying all oppositions, #Beijing will pass the law by June 30. NPC delegate Ip Kwok-him unveils, maximum penalty will be raised from 10 years to life sentence, heavier than previously expected.
11/ Now it is clear that China is unwilling to keep its promise, and worse still, China has recently declared the Joint-Declaration to be invalid on its own. The Joint-Declaration was a historical document that no longer had any practical significance, China said.