Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 😷(@joshuawongcf)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

3. With 500,000 HKers casting their ballots amid #Beijing’s threats and sweeping #nationalsecuritylaw, our determination would send a strong message to the world: #Hongkongers will not surrender. No matter how repressive the regime goes against us, we will not bow to tyranny.
[Say no to digital authoritarianism, Boycott universal testing] 1. Defying doubts, #HKgov will impose universal testing in #HK, a citywide DNA collection viewed as a way for more surveillance. Medical experts repeatedly raised concerns below that are completely ignored by gov:
[HK is not like Tiananmen Square – China is a superpower now and that is worrying] China’s international clout has made nations reluctant to speak out as they did after the massacre in 1989 – but we need the international community to stand with HK…
Calling for sale suspension of tear gas to Thailand #MilkTeaAlliance… Thai protestors and I urge your company to suspend the sale of tear gas canisters and other riot weapons to the Thai police force.
ايران اينترنشنال @IranIntl جاشوا وانگ، فعال سیاسی: همه مردم جهان از بلاروس تا هنگ‌کنگ و چین باید متحد در کنارهم و در برابر حکومت‌های اقتدارگرا بایستند…
[홍콩 민주화운동가 조슈아웡, 페이스북 글_06.30] 1. 홍콩 데모시스트당 창당 이래 저의 동료들은 정치적인 문제에 지속적으로 관심을 기울여 왔습니다. 또 항쟁의 길에서 설령 큰 파도가 덮쳐오는 상황이었을 지라도 모두 물러나지 않았으며 어려움 속에서도 저와 함께해 주었습니다.
8/ China emitted over 12 gigatonnes (Gt) CO2eq of greenhouse gases and makes up almost 30% of the world total. And in 2018-2019, the emissions shows an increasing trend, contrary to the promise China made in the Copenhagen Accord and Paris Agreement.
APPG on HK decided to undertake a full international inquiry into possible violations of human rights and humanitarian principles by the police, specifically in regards to its treatment of medical workers, in HK since the start of the 2019 protests.
1/ #hkpolicebrutality is one of the key factors fueling #HKProtests since last year. The unchecked & indiscriminate use of excessive forces against innocent citizens, pregnant women, underaged kids, unarmed elderly and even medics & journalists sparked anger & sense of injustice.
4. When our BTS leaders are under unreasonable attacks during these difficult times, we #ARMYs everywhere around the world should stand with them and express our relentless support. #BTSARMYS #FOREVERBTS
Pro-democracy lawmaker #RayChan @ray_slowbeat was forcibly dragged by pro-Beijing lawmaker Kwok Wai Keung on that day. But #hkpolice now arrested the pro-democracy dissent.
최근 한국의 한 언론과의 인터뷰 중 '광주민주화운동'을 언론에서 '광주사태'로 번역을 하였습니다. 저는 광주사태(光州事態)라는 단어는 사용한 적이 없습니다.
Just in: A #Hongkong freelance photojournalist was arrested by #Belarusian #police in #Minsk, with bag and camera confiscated when covering #BelarusProtest and #UnityMarch against #Lukashenko today, per @dbchannel_hkers.
Media Invitation: Joshua Wong's application for his run in 2020 Legislative Council Election I will submit my application for my race in 2020 Legislative Council Election (Kowloon East) on 20 July. All press are welcome and feel free to contact me though
제가 열여덟 살 즈음에 쓴 <나는 좁은 길이 아니다>가 한국에서 번역 출간되었습니다. 오늘날의 홍콩 사회와 학생들의 마음을 이해하는 데 도움이 되길 바랍니다. 저의 생각과 감정들을 솔직하게 담았습니다. 한국 독자 여러분들의 응원과 지지를 부탁드립니다. ‘오늘은 광주, 내일은 홍콩’이 되기를!
"12" is more than just a number. Join our campaign. Let's post a picture of #SAVE12 & #SAVE12HKYOUTHS and tag 3 friends to spread the word. Here I nominated @GretaThunberg, @OsopePatrisse, and @TimothyDSnyder to join us. Save the 12. @save12hkyouths…
1/ Congratulations to #Taiwan’s new President #TsaiIngWen @iingwen and also #DPP @DPPonline under her lead! 👏🏻#Taiwan2020 #TaiwanElection
1/ Survived hearing today and need not face detention for now. Yet again travel ban imposed, an attempt to restrict efforts to activism. Thanks to the court I’m forced to continue activism more resiliently in 2020, leading to the shift of vibrant online activism during pandemic.
It's time to revoke Carrie Lam's Honorary Fellowship to Wolfson College, Cambridge University!…
Demosisto, the advocacy group led by prominent young Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong, said the security law will be “the death of freedom in Hong Kong”.…
[Please join the petition!] I am calling on @EmmanuelMacron and the French Government to suspend the sales of tactical suits to HK Police:
Amazing. 1.28 million people have now voted, just after noon. In the last District Council election four years ago, this number was not reached until 9:30 in the evening.…
9/ However, when China were asked publicly about this, its response is simply “China is a developing countries and it is in desperate needs of economic development”. This clearly shows China does not take the pledge it made in the global arena as promises it has to fulfil.
1/ Ignoring domestic and global concerns, Beijing announced the drafted #nationalsecuritylaw that casts even more doubts. The law erodes #HK’s common law jurisdictions as local courts are NOT allowed to interpret the law once disputes arise.
[Pro-Democratic Camp Primary Election Final Vote Count Kowloon East Constituency] 1) Joshua Wong 31398 34% 2) Jeremy Tam (Civic Party) 23244 25% 3) Kinda Li 15194 16% 4) Tam Tak Chi (People Power) 10980 12% 5) Wu Chi Wai (Democratic Party)10421 11% 6) Sze Tak Loy (ADPL) 985 1%