やぶた Shuhei Yabuta(@yabshu55)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

長い間お待ちくださりありがとうございました。皆様の応援が無ければこの日を迎えられませんでした。今後も引き続き良いものをお届けできるよ頑張ってまいりますので、何卒引き続きご支援お願い申し上げます🌾 #VINLAND_SAGA twitter.com/V_SAGA_ANIME/s…
Thank you for waiting for a long time. We couldn't have come this far, without the support of you all. I’m really happy to have this day🌾 #VINLAND_SAGA twitter.com/V_SAGA_ANIME/s…
12 hours left🌾 I'm so excited!! #VINLAND_SAGA twitter.com/V_SAGA_ANIME/s…
ようやくヴィンランド・サガ2期に関する詳細をお届けできそうです🌾 1期から引き続きご参加いただいている頼れるスタッフのおかげにより、素晴らしい内容になっております!ご覧いただければ幸いです😊 #VINLAND_SAGA twitter.com/V_SAGA_ANIME/s…
The same staff as season one are working on, with a deeper understanding of the title. Hope you all enjoy it. #VINLAND_SAGA twitter.com/V_SAGA_ANIME/s…
I won't let you down🌾 #VINLAND_SAGA
Happy Birthday 🎉 @Nao1953Naoya
The day when the Viking Age is said to have begun is approaching. #VINLAND_SAGA twitter.com/mountful/statu…
I think no one needs to consider the creative situation when evaluating anime titles or episodes. I don't care about it either. I'm sharing information about the industry because I want people to know just “someone is there” and working for the title.
If you came across a wonderful anime episode today, I think it's just because of fortunate encounters of creators and the unconditional passion of some creators.
TV stations or any other broadcasting services cannot determine the quality of the anime title. And creative studios are playing an important role in supporting creators, but even that is not the decisive factor in determining the quality of the episode.
In Japanese anime industry, Production Assistant is a position called ”制作進行(Seisaku Shinko)” or "制作(Seisaku)". They contribute greatly to the title, while being swayed by creators... If you have a chance to know about their work, I’d be glad if you could support them.
Thank you for so many fanarts! I'm watching all of them, and extremely excited! It is really encouraging for me, because there were a lot of hard times before starting to make Season 2. There are still 2 days left and we are waiting for your application(^-^)/ #VINLAND_FANART twitter.com/V_SAGA_ANIME/s…
しょーもない絵ばっかだな。何考えてたんだろ。 時間あったら何かちゃんとしたもの描きたいなぁ(^_^;) #VINLAND_FANART
It is certain that studios play a role in coordinating the environment for creative teams, but each and every staff member is much more important for the success. Gathering staff is largely due to the skills of Animation Producer and the studio does not necessarily affect.
独特の空気感が癖になる動画なので まだご覧になっていない方は是非。 #佐賀新聞 #佐賀県 #有田焼 #VINLAND_SAGA 「ヴィンランド・サガ」作者の幸村誠さんが佐賀で絵付け体験 youtu.be/4Xh9dLrokv8 @YouTubeより
Season 2 plays a very important role in Vinland Saga. So it is expected that enough number of episodes can be secured to depict emotions of characters carefuly.
Time goes by really fast( ̄▽ ̄;) This one year, our team had many problems to solve and we have made difficult decisions. But fortunately, the team composition is almost the same and we are motivated to concentrate on this season. #VINLAND_SAGA
アニメ作りは先に全体予算が決まっている場合がほとんどだから、クリエイターは予算内で実現可能な最大クオリティを目指すのが仕事。つまり買値が先に決まっている。 クリエイターが先にクオリティを決めてそれに見合った売値を決めるなら、それは買い手を探すことになる。 両者は全く別のビジネス。
今年の前半は体壊して超ポンコツでしたが、ようやく調子が戻ってきたので全力で頑張ります。またヴィンランド・サガに関われて嬉しいです! 皆様、今後ともよろしくお願いいたします(^-^)/ #VINLAND_SAGA #vinlandsaga #ヴィンランド・サガ #ヴィンランドサガ twitter.com/V_SAGA_ANIME/s…