やぶた Shuhei Yabuta(@yabshu55)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

In Japanese anime industry, most animators are freelancers and rewards are paid for each cut. Few people have a contract with the studio. Each year, over 200 anime titles are made. So the lack of animators is a big problem for all studios.
Showy events will decrease and the pace of the story will slow down. However, the emotions of the characters move more greatly and fiery. I promise that there is a unique experience like no other. I hope you all enjoy season 2! #VINLAND_SAGA
The same staff as season one are working on, with a deeper understanding of the title. Hope you all enjoy it. #VINLAND_SAGA twitter.com/V_SAGA_ANIME/s…
By a curious coincidence, I wrote the storyboard and directed the PV of #AoT Final Season! I'm so grateful for this opportunity! The director of main series is Yuichiro Hayashi! (Dorohedoro, Kakegurui, Garo: Divine Flame.) #MAPPA ! Stay tuned(^-^)/ #shingeki #進撃の巨人 twitter.com/anime_shingeki…
Thank you for waiting for a long time. We couldn't have come this far, without the support of you all. I’m really happy to have this day🌾 #VINLAND_SAGA twitter.com/V_SAGA_ANIME/s…
ファンが求める「満足度」の基準。(これは作画スキルの話ではありません。) 私たちの仕事は、最終的な画面にどれだけ新しい体感や体験を作り出し、満足度を上げられるかが重要。 30年40年同じことを繰り返してきたのはそれが正しいからではなく、誤った職人主義と個人主義の結果。 twitter.com/eustasssblast_…
Thank you for watching #VINLAND_SAGA ! Without your encouragement, my team could never finish the work! I'm very pleased to engage in conversation with everyone through this title! The story ends once, but I would be grateful if you could keep expanding the world of VINLAND! twitter.com/V_SAGA_ANIME/s…
Thank you for waiting so long and supporting our team. I am so grateful to have this day. We did everything we could for this story. I hope you all enjoy it🌾 #VINLAND_SAGA twitter.com/yabshu55/statu…
#ヴィンランド・サガ を観てくださった皆様、ありがとうございました!皆様のご感想、励ましがなければ決して戦い抜けませんでした!作品を通して皆様と関われて幸せです!アニメは一区切りですが、引き続きヴィンサガの素晴らしい世界を広げることにお力添えいただけたら幸いです(^-^) #VINLAND_SAGA twitter.com/V_SAGA_ANIME/s…
12話が終わった時に描きたかったなぁ。そんな暇はなかった…(*´-`) #VINLAND_SAGA #ヴィンランド・サガ
It is certain that studios play a role in coordinating the environment for creative teams, but each and every staff member is much more important for the success. Gathering staff is largely due to the skills of Animation Producer and the studio does not necessarily affect.
Time goes by really fast( ̄▽ ̄;) This one year, our team had many problems to solve and we have made difficult decisions. But fortunately, the team composition is almost the same and we are motivated to concentrate on this season. #VINLAND_SAGA
I wasted a half year due to illness. But now, I'm happy to be involved in this team again and to be able to concentrate on Vinland Saga. I'll give it my all. Thank you (^-^)/ #VINLAND_SAGA #vinlandsaga twitter.com/V_SAGA_ANIME/s…
厳密に言うと監督修正は「手直し」ではなく「指示」になります。林さんのお考えが分からないので迂闊なことは言えませんが、この動画内のご作業は表情や芝居の強さ、熱量に関する指示だと思います。この指示の意図を汲み取って最終的な絵にまとめ上げるのは作監さんや総作監さんのお仕事になります。 twitter.com/nhk_100CAM/sta…
As a creator in Japanese anime industry, I'm happy to see old and new great sakuga attract attention from anime fans. And also happy if you know that in most cases, those are not created by systematically control of workflow. Those are created by personal aspiration for skills.
I won't let you down🌾 #VINLAND_SAGA
All episodes are important, but proper staffing throughout is not an easy task. I appreciate Hasegawa-san for understanding the importance of this episode and allocating the staff who worked on it with passion. And they pulled it off. We hope you all enjoy it🌾 #VINLAND_SAGA twitter.com/V_SAGA_ANIME/s…
In Japanese anime industry, Production Assistant is a position called ”制作進行(Seisaku Shinko)” or "制作(Seisaku)". They contribute greatly to the title, while being swayed by creators... If you have a chance to know about their work, I’d be glad if you could support them.
自分の名前 間違えてので修正しました。 ついでにトルを汚くして、ハゲにキズ足して、王子に姫処理 足しました。
It was my personal matter that I transferred to MAPPA, and our team had to leave the previous studio regardless of my transfer. The release of our team wasn't planned in advance and at that point, we had already started production for season2 while keeping almost the same team.
久々に参加しました!全セクション大変な話数でしたが、CGIチームもボロボロになりながら頑張りましたので、ご視聴いただけたら嬉しいです( ´△`;)/ #shingeki #aot twitter.com/anime_shingeki…
今年の前半は体壊して超ポンコツでしたが、ようやく調子が戻ってきたので全力で頑張ります。またヴィンランド・サガに関われて嬉しいです! 皆様、今後ともよろしくお願いいたします(^-^)/ #VINLAND_SAGA #vinlandsaga #ヴィンランド・サガ #ヴィンランドサガ twitter.com/V_SAGA_ANIME/s…
最近色々な事があったので、思い至った事を書き記します。 先輩方と後輩たち、これからクリエイターを目指す方々、自分と一緒に作品作りに取り組んできた仲間に向けてです。これは個人的な考えですが強い確信も持っています。人によっては受け入れられない話かもしれません。
Thank you for watching episode 17 ! There are 2 weeks to next... We would be grateful if you keep waiting. The episode would be passionate. Next...Time to awake. #VINLAND_SAGA #ヴィンランド・サガ