This BBC video shows a visit to an extraordinary crystal cave in Mexico, la cueva de los cristales in Naica, Mexico. It contains large selenite crystals, up to 11 meters of length. It took an estimated 1 million years for the crystals to grow to this size: buff.ly/3GbSmMk
«In the grand scheme of things, we're all pretty much blind and deaf»
[source, Abstruse Goose: abstrusegoose.com/421]
We steadily "dry out" as we age. A newborn human baby is 75 percent water, adult men are about 60 percent, adult women 55 percent, and elderly people are roughly half [read more: buff.ly/2FmXwVf]
The stunning optical illusions by prof. Kokichi Sugihara
[video: buff.ly/2UzhxAB]
[read more: buff.ly/2HthCRt]
Reindeer cyclones are real, and you definitely don't want to get caught in one
[📹️PBS Nature/Maramedia. Read more: buff.ly/2XdQWum-]
The yeti crab, an unusual, hairy crab with no eyes, was discovered in 2005 on a hydrothermal vent near Easter Island. It is notable for the quantity of silky blond setae (resembling fur) covering its pereiopods (thoracic legs, including claws) buff.ly/2lxeqJl
Living in what is now northeastern North America and Scotland around 315 to 299 million years ago, Arthropleura reached 2.4 meters in length and was the largest known land invertebrates of all time [read more: buff.ly/2qdsp8Q] [photos: buff.ly/300odvJ]
Despite their extremely futuristic appearance, skeletonics extend the movement of a humans arms and legs without the aid of any motor and it's not powered by electricity
[read more: skeletonics-us.com]
Experience a nuclear explosion first hand in virtual reality
On November 1, 1952, the US detonated the world’s first hydrogen bomb on Enewetak Atoll. This is a recreation in VR via Oculus Rift
[📹 A Wolf in VR: buff.ly/3J42UgN]
Endoxyla cinereus, aka the giant wood moth, is the heaviest moth in the world; weighing up to 30 g. Its wingspan is approximately 23 cm. It is found in Australia (Queensland, New South Wales) and New Zealand
[read more: buff.ly/3igPdU7]
[📷 buff.ly/3Vznbl5]
The first step to getting stuck in quicksand: Don't freak out. Humans actually can't drown in the stuff, because we float in it. Getting out can be simple, if you follow these instructions [source and full video: buff.ly/2ZsS00L]
Although it was captured back in 2007 this photo by David Burdeny still remains one of the coolest iceberg photos in existence thanks to the perfect composition and symmetry that separates the photo into four different sections of colour and texture buff.ly/2Iy0GXY
The Qiantang river's tidal bore is the world's largest and most powerful of its kind. Sometimes two tides meet together forming a shape like a cross, here filmed with a drone.
[read more: buff.ly/3Aa28NZ]
Dino-A-Live is an animatronics exhibition that lets visitors feel like they’ve met a real, living dinosaur. Dino-A-Live shows are most commonly held in Fukui Prefecture and use state-of-the-art animatronics buff.ly/3qfTzeA
A crinkle crankle wall is an unusual type of garden wall built in a serpentine shape typically found in the UK. It economizes on bricks because it can be made just one brick thin. If a wall this thin was made in a straight line, it would easily topple over ow.ly/4LY850zYx9T
The lava formations you can spot at West Kamokuna Skylight, HI look like Dante's damned soul sliding into hell
[source, read more: buff.ly/2kk2nAA]
On the left, the night sky is lit up by particles expelled from the Sun that later collided with Earth's upper atmosphere creating bright auroras. On the right, the night glows with ground lights reflected by millions of tiny ice crystals [📷Alex Correia: buff.ly/3Jc9Bhb]
Wombats are herbivores; their diets consist mostly of grasses, sedges, herbs, bark, and roots. Their incisor teeth somewhat resemble those of rodents (rats, mice, etc.), being adapted for gnawing tough vegetation [read more: buff.ly/2I3XuV1]
This gearbased joint by ABENICS drives three rotational degrees of freedom without slippage
[full paper: buff.ly/3gG96AH]
[media: buff.ly/3gMZ67y]
«Winged migration» is a 2001 documentary film directed by Jacques Cluzaud, Michel Debats and Jacques Perrin, showcasing the immense journeys routinely made by birds during their migrations
[extended preview, HD: buff.ly/3x26bds]
20 years ago #Today, a strange object designated J002E3 was discovered. It was in a temporary orbit around the Earth. It turned out to be an Apollo 12 rocket stage launched in 1969 that had returned [read more: buff.ly/2NIA6yu]
The Pin-tailed whydah has an elaborate courtship flight display, which includes hovering over the female to display his tail
[read more: buff.ly/3K2zGAN]
[📹 Tohid Azimi: buff.ly/3R7iLQf]
Phalera assimilis is a moth featuring an impressive natural camouflage which allows it to perfectly mimic small twigs in order to avoid predators
[video: buff.ly/3UolINe]
[read more: buff.ly/3B2vj5L]
Magnetically assisted gears work with no mechanical contact. The input shaft never touches the output shaft unless the gear box is overloaded
[video: buff.ly/3e8dqHB]
[read more: buff.ly/3vBVbQQ]
The devil's flower mantis
[read more: buff.ly/3eXvlU8]
[📹 Adrian Kozakiewicz: buff.ly/3Lz9EGd]