That time astronaut Scott Kelly played liquid ping pong in space: he used two paddles with hydrophobic, or water repellant, features to pass a sphere of water back and forth [full video: buff.ly/2XSL4M3]
Square or rectangular clouds are relatively rare occurrences, but they happen to appear in the skies from time to time, like this one filmed over Tucson, Arizona
[read more: buff.ly/3Fn7YNz]
In 2019, a team of researchers from the University of Maine revealed the largest 3D printed part in the world (in a single piece): a boat, the 3Dirigo, 7.62 meters long, with a weight of 2.2 tons [read more: buff.ly/2PBx6b9]
Golden Plover chicks are some of the most beautifully coloured wader chicks, perfectly matched to their hiding places up on the high mossy plateaux in the Arctic tundra and other palearctic areas
[📷 Camilo Carneiro: buff.ly/3ZhPozw]
[read more: buff.ly/2IdLEYJ]
Fore-edge painting is typically a scene painted on the edge of book's pages. The earliest fore-edge paintings date as far back as the 10th century
[read more: buff.ly/3KU7XRL]
[📹 kultt.fr]
Fossil coral is a natural stone formed when ancient coral is gradually replaced with agate. Its proper name is agatized coral. The fossilized coral typically appears as small flower-like patterns in the stone [read more: buff.ly/3k7BFHp] [photo: buff.ly/2No3cIw]
Agatized coral is found in ancient ocean beds, where silica rich groundwater has percolated through them and over time has replaced it's calcium carbonate skeleton with a hard variety of Chalcedony
[read more: ow.ly/vJkL30nMId3]
[📹 buff.ly/3HcWFGU]
Ambiguous grid by Kokichi Sugihara of Meiji University. A mathematically calculated combination of perspective and the physics of reflection produce this striking illusion that works in many configurations
[source: buff.ly/3Tlnz5h]
[learn more: buff.ly/2GYweb5]
The seeds of these wild oats each have two bristles called awns. Once the seeds fall to the ground their awns help them do something truly extraordinary…they walk
[full video, BBC Earth: buff.ly/3gF2MLZ]
Orangutans share 96.4% of genes, 28 physical characteristics, and a number of behavioral traits with humans.
No wonder things like this happen so easily.
[📹 TikTok's minorcrimes: buff.ly/3Ba4cWK]
The telescpefish has large-lensed forward-pointing eyes—which are adapted for optimal binocular light collection and help them to better judge the distance of prey
[read more: buff.ly/2ZGP9S1]
[📷 Dave Johnson: buff.ly/3BZgj8l]
On April 27, 2012, a team of scientists and tv studios intentionally crashed an uncrewed Boeing 727-200 to test which seats had the best chance of survival
[Discovery Channel: buff.ly/3Uc22NY]
[read more: buff.ly/2WHddPI]
An impossible water circuit analogy of electrical physics [source: buff.ly/3loIshw]
How sounds make their way from the source to your brain
[source, NIH, read more: buff.ly/3i2C4hB]
How to identify that light in the sky
[source, HK (The League of Lost Causes): buff.ly/2jVLeNV]
This video produced for the Hubble travelling exhibition Our Place in Space in 2017, zooms from Venice out through the Solar System, the Milky Way, the Local Group and into the cosmic web. And if you're feeling very small, that was the intent [full video: buff.ly/3mYgJ7s]
The dragon headed caterpillar
In tropical Asia, a species of fast-flying canopy butterfly (Polyura athamas) has this unusual caterpillar, showing four impressive divergent curved fleshy spinous processes on its head
[source 📹: buff.ly/3qDXdPW]
Inspired by a long tradition of impossible objects, this 'impossible portal' created by coded loop artist @jn3008 challanges your mind leaning toward you or away from you according to the point of the portal you focus on [site: jn3008.com]
Invisibility cloaks and panels like Quantum Stealth work using the principle of lenticular lens, once used to create holographic images changing with the point of view.
[video: buff.ly/3q9ksAQ]
[more: hyperstealth.com]
«All of the rocky and metallic material we stand on, the iron in our blood, the calcium in our teeth, the carbon in our genes were produced billions of years ago in the interior of a red giant star. We are made of star-stuff»
—Carl Sagan
The Fibonacci sequence is fundamental to life on Earth, but goes much beyond our own world; the spiral that exists in the center of sunflowers, heads of cabbage and chambered nautilus shells is the same that shapes galaxies and the orbits of Earth & Venus buff.ly/33V4Jsp
Artist Guillaume Legros paints on grass and mostly on hill & mountain sides: he has to wait for sunny days, but when this happens, slopes become immense artworks. And his paint is safe for the environment
[read more: buff.ly/3Reo4ND]
How many stars we can see in the night sky with the naked eye (Andromeda galaxy excluded)? About 9,096, or 0.000004% of all the stars in the Milky Way [source, read more: buff.ly/33VEEMK] Reddit user u/KSPoz visualized that in this chart [source: buff.ly/3CnPucP]
This is how the bones grow and form in your hand [source, read more: buff.ly/2HmOfBq]
That time when a giant Moon balloon was blown away in China and found strolling along the streets [story: buff.ly/2qj2jlA]