Stare at the red dot on her nose for 30 seconds, then look at a plain wall while blinking fast and discover what is an afterimage
[read more: bit.ly/2FcSKeu]
[source: buff.ly/3AfcACk]
Does the Sun always rise in the same direction? No. This composite image by Luca Vanzella shows the direction of sunrise every month during 2021 as seen from the city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
[source, read more: buff.ly/3FWl9Ef]
Cats place each hind paw directly in the print of the corresponding fore paw, minimizing noise and visible tracks
[read more: buff.ly/3JI6VYS]
[source: hanamomo]
Several waves of people occupied the cave where these paintings appear: the silhouettes of the hands were created in a period between 13,000 to 9,000 years ago, using bone-made pipes for spraying the paint on the wall. We've been rarely alone buff.ly/2IDwf2y
Another way to show the Mercator projection's distortions on a planisphere, is to consider that every circle on this map has the same 500 mile radius
[source, credits and more: ow.ly/VAyJ50Ach4L]
Iconaster longimanus, or icon star, has a very peculiar appearance: it's like a star inside a star and has marginal row of large plates that resemble mosaic tiles
[read more: buff.ly/2FHTE0W]
[photo credits: buff.ly/2FG6Gfz]
The ocean sunfish is the world's heaviest known bony fish: it reaches up to 2,300 kg of weight & 4.2 meters of size across the fins buff.ly/2p3FDYk [video: buff.ly/2PTq3fA]
Morpho rhetenor is a Neotropical butterfly of the family Nymphalidae: it's sexually dimorphic and while the female is dark-brown, the male's wings are impressively bright blue. This short clip by biologist Joseph See neatly shows it [more on Joseph's IG: buff.ly/2APa6zM]
99.9999999% of all the matter we know, is empty space. If we lost all the dead space inside our atoms, we would each be able to fit into a particle of dust, and the entire human species would fit into the volume of a sugar cube [source: buff.ly/34qdw6x]
The Indian Bullfrog may not look like much, but its appearance can change dramatically. During most of the season, both genders are a rather dull kaki-olive-green, but once the mating season comes around, things change drastically [read more: buff.ly/2jm7T31]
The dynamic measured wake of a Tawny Owl. Tracked soap bubbles reveal the movement of the air behind a Tawny Owl showing wingtip and tail vortices [full paper: buff.ly/3GX22uA] [video: buff.ly/3k9Terx]
The Vortex Turbine by Turbulent Hydro is an eco-friendly way to harness energy from rivers and canals with a low height difference. A single turbine can generate from 15 to 70 kW of constant energy around the clock
[read more: turbulent.be]
About 58 species of cuckoos are brood parasites. They lay eggs in the nest of other birds, hatching earlier than the host eggs, so the cuckoo chicks grow faster and evict the host's eggs and/or young
[📹 full video, Artur Homan: buff.ly/357GexV]
David Roentgen (1743--1807) took his royal patron by surprise when he delivered this beautiful automaton to King Louis XVI for his queen, Marie Antoinette, in 1784. An impressive mechanism moved (& still moves) a true neoclassical masterwork [full video: buff.ly/3fyEIGL]
#FibonacciDay is celebrated on November 23 because when the date is written like (11/23), it forms part of the Fibonacci Sequence (1, 1, 2, 3). How can you celebrate it? Go out and start looking for evidence of the sequence in the world around you buff.ly/3CKOlvx
This is not a snake, it's a caterpillar. In its larval form, the Hemeroplanes triptolemus can expand its body segments to give it the appearance of a snake
[read more: buff.ly/2qO9uTy]
[full 📹 Mark Bowler: buff.ly/3djoGmO]
Fruit salad trees, developed by an Australian family in the early 1990s, are capable of bearing many different types of fruit on them at the same time - including apples, oranges, mandarins, lemons, limes, grapefruit and peaches [read more: buff.ly/2QURTHk]
This is the dance a male peacock spider performs to attract a female. But he needs to be careful: if the female is not interested, she may attack, kill, and feed on him, and she may also do this after mating
[📹 Michael Doe: buff.ly/3hfSeUl]
The laughing kookaburra is known as the “bushman’s alarm clock” because it has a very loud call, usually performed by a family group at dawn and dusk, that sounds like a variety of trills, chortles, belly laughs, and hoots [source: buff.ly/3qQ25CU-]
Crops under solar panels can be a win-win, and in dry places, shade can reduce water use, increase CO₂ uptake and water-use efficiency; and crops are on average 30% bigger and healthier
[read more: buff.ly/2ZQCdW8]
[📹: buff.ly/3d8TSoP]
In the 1920s-30s airship mooring masts were built in many countries. Without doubt the tallest mooring mast ever designed was the spire of the Empire State Building. The top pic shows British M.P.s walk onto an airship gangplank, in Cardington, England buff.ly/2Qo8otD
The incredible moment newborn twins reach out to hold hands.
Scientists this is only a continuation of what already happens in the womb.
[read more: buff.ly/3F5TrHa]
[story: buff.ly/3GO4vtM]
Designed at Harvard, this mesmerizing reconfigurable metamaterial could represent the future of design engineering
[source, full video: buff.ly/2K3b23G]
Population growth from 10,000 BCE to today
[video by Robert Rohde, HD: buff.ly/3egX55U]