Joey Bizinger(@TheAn1meMan)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

i’d rather try something out and fail than to not try and never know if I’ll succeed or not.
If you see the word “BTS” and the first thing you don’t think of is “Behind The Scenes”, I can’t trust you anymore.
genie: i will grant you 3 wishes me: ok first, gimme a hot anime girl to step on me 24/7 genie: um... ok... you know I can grant you ANY wish, right? me: second, gimme another hot anime girl to call me baka 24/7 genie: ok you need to sto- me: third, gimme anothe- genie: pls-
Japan really knows how to destroy depression in an instant.
me: i love japan because everyone always follows the rules. japan:
People keep telling me to stop liking anime nudes and hentai on twitter but then I stop to remember the great words of Jesus Christ: “Fuck ‘em, you do you boo boo.”
yo i ain’t gay but boi are some anime bishies in yaoi manga hot af goddamn
Remember when it was cool to watch anime? It still is.
So today I found out from my Japanese friend that there is an official otaku slang word for someone with shit taste in anime... They’re called a “Kirito”. God bless Japanese otakus.
Eventually, every single human is going to die. That includes your haters, rivals and enemies. So why waste your time on them, and not on something that’s truly important to you? Like hentai.
when i die, just bury me in a mountain of hentai while renai circulation quietly plays from an alexa
I love catgirls yet I’m severely allergic to cats. Why has god forsaken me.
Everyone saying “I want Tifa to step on me” make me feel disgusted. I’d much rather her bench press me to nirvana.
All Nintendo has to do is show Animal Crossing gameplay and they win this year. #E32019
can we all just come together and agree that nintendo is, and will forever be, the absolute GOAT.
Can we stop with this “Japan is over-sexualizing girl characters in video games” whenever we see perfectly acceptable designs like this? I think it’s just YOUR dirty-ass brain that’s making them seem that way, not the original artist.
From left to right: - Konosuba - Rising of the Shield Hero - Kenja no Mago Isekai shows are literally all the same.
@GiggukAZ Isekai Background Pack: $69.99
Just finished watching @aggretsuko season 2. Can we all just agree that Tadano is husbando of the year? I mean GOD DAMN LOOK AT THIS HUNK I CANT EVEN-
Well, that just happened.
For every Shou Tucker meme you see today, a good dad loses a brain cell. Happy Fathers Day!
send me anime titties pls thnx.
There isn’t a single day on the Internet where people aren’t enraged at some dumb controversy surrounding a fictional work that will surely be forgotten by next year. If you just stand back and think about it, that’s a pretty ridiculous and embarrassing reality we’re living in.
I don’t get envious often, but I will definitely be envious of everyone who gets to experience the sheer mindfuck that is Neon Genesis Evangelion for the first time on Netflix tomorrow.
ok i think y’all just need to stop watching anime…