200,000 retweets and I’ll review every hentai ever made.
if this gets 30,000 retweets I will make a video of me saying every single anime in alphabetical order on MyAnimeList
100,000 retweets and I’ll review every hentai ever made in a video (totally serious)
I went to karaoke with Pewds and he sang Numa Numa a.k.a the best song in Internet history ✨
rip kissanime
rip broke weebs
💀 💀 💀
So today I found out from my Japanese friend that there is an official otaku slang word for someone with shit taste in anime...
They’re called a “Kirito”.
God bless Japanese otakus.
Some sick fuck used gasoline to light the Kyoto Animation studio on fire, killing some and injuring many.
How any human person could do something so horrific is beyond me.
My condolences to all those hard-working employees and their families who were affected in this tragedy. twitter.com/nhk_news/statu…
People complaining about Attack on Titan S4 being “poorly animated” and harassing animators who worked on it on their social media don’t fucking deserve anime.
can we get 6969 retweets in this I’m trying to prove a point
- Giant category 5 typhoon hits Tokyo 🌧
- Magnitude 4 earthquake hits Japan coast ⚡️
- Multiple tornadoes crash through houses in Chiba 🌪
- Volcano eruption in Kyushu 🌋
All of this happened in Japan today.
Don’t you dare complain about how crappy your day was ever again.
Fantastic news!
Kyoto Animation have set up an official bank account to receive DIRECT donations, including international transfers.
There are instructions on the site (in Japanese and English) on how to do so, please go check it out and share this around 👏 twitter.com/kyoani/status/…
Incredibly proud and happy for my boy.
Thank you for being such an amazing person.
You deserve everything.
How fucked up do you have to be to essentially steal artwork from a talented and innocent artist who had only just recently passed away due to unfortunate circumstances, and then have the audacity to sell it for profit???
I hope this company gets sued and destroyed to oblivion. twitter.com/forexposure_tx…
When I was a kid, being an anime fan made you a loser.
Today, being an anime fan makes you a loser who doesn’t give a shit what anyone else thinks, because you now have millions of fellow losers online who are there by your side.
I’m feeling so fantastic during the start of this brand new year so I’ll be giving away absolutely nothing to ONE lucky winner.
Make sure to like and RT for a chance to win!
Miura Kentaro: one of my favorite manga artists and the creator of one of my favorite manga series “Berserk”, has just passed away at age 54.
I don’t even know what to say.
As a massive fan of Berserk, this is just soul crushing.
Long live, Berserk.
Rest In peace, sensei. twitter.com/oricon_anime_/…
Like and retweet for absolutely nothing to happen.
We are living in an age where if ANY anime gains some level of popularity, there’s always some woke “cultured” individual nitpicking at every minute detail to put the show down in one way or another.
Please, for the love of god, stop. twitter.com/MegaMiyamori/s…
Eventually, every single human is going to die.
That includes your haters, rivals and enemies.
So why waste your time on them, and not on something that’s truly important to you?
Like hentai.
Here’s a Japanese saying that I have always sworn by:
Translation: asking about something you didn’t know is a brief moment of shame, while pretending to know and never truly knowing is a lifetime of shame.
Respect animators.
Love anime.