#장하오 #ZHANGHAO: "i will give the speech that i prepared. for one last time, i am trainee zhang hao. to the most important star creators who have been supporting me for the past 3 months, i am so sincerely thankful. the amount of effort & time spent all this while - even after
"i like gopchang and milk tea. i had gopchang for the first time after coming to korea, it was really shocking. it was very delicious. i want to eat it often, but i can't. um, there's no food i can't eat, but i avoid things like peanuts that get stuck in my teeth and bother me." twitter.com/haoisfp/status…
(hao and jiwoong picked each other as the member they're still awkward with)
hao: the 1st convo i had with jiwoong hyung was during say my name, the artist battle
onestar: ah all throughout boys planet, that was the 1st time?
jiwoong: this is probably our
waiting room reactions to zhang hao's over me
ollie: zhang hao hyung is handsome!
gyuvin: wow... really...
ollie: he found the cameras really well
seunghwan: zhang hao is so stable
haruto: my favourite part (the haojui pair choreo)
seowon: wow tutting!
junhyeon: zhang hao, you were 1st place with over me. do you think you would've been 1st place even if you performed en garde?
hao: of course, zhang hao can be 1st place no matter where he goes.
translations of a pann post + comments from 230425 about #장하오 #ZHANGHAO & #박건욱 #PARKGUNWOOK
"park gunwook & zhang hao
are really popular in japan, a lot of people like their chemistry, there are many amazing artists who draw the two, so i wondered why and watched a few
towards the end of his live, seowon said:
"zhang hao? hao and i are close since we're 00z. ah i wish i could perform with hao once... it's a shame. hao fighting!"
trainee #ZHANGHAO in one of his first letters said "thank you for shining a light on my seemingly endless trainee life! i will also work hard to become someone who illuminates you!"
debuted as #ZEROBASEONE's center who mentioned shining bright in all 4 languages in his speech twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
there was also a post earlier on this about how jiwoong was the one who read this out and hao spelled 호흡 (breath) wrong but jiwoong naturally corrected it while reading (also cute that hao visibly wrote 했어요 wrong at first too but fixed it from 했서요) twitter.com/haohaveyoubin/…
zb1 fantalk post on pann about #장하오 #ZHANGHAO
"zhang hao is bloody cute
(gif 1) he was playing by himself? and his eyes met the camera
(gif 2) he greeted (fkn like how he smiles after greeting)" twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
translations of a trending pann post + top comments from 230401 about #성한빈 #SUNGHANBIN
"there's a reason why sung hanbin's wardrobe gets raided;
he's fkn good at dressing himself in casual clothes"
- no first of all he knows very well what suits him he's so smart
i'm very wary of pointing out hao's little mistakes in korean, but k-rosins are kind of meme-ing it bc they find it adorable so lemme explain: the bit where he says "one of the charms of being an idol" he wrote "매력나봐" when it should be "매력인가봐"
my thoughts: TOO MANY CUTE
anon j-fan said that hao's japanese is really good and that his accent doesn't feel awkward either and they feel he does have very good ears/listening.
the 愛してね (aishitene) he always says is closer to "i hope you can love me" rather than "i love you" or "please love me" so twitter.com/jjanghao0725/s…
love hanbin's little detail of adding in mirrored moves when doing duo choreos
rui: zhang hao why are you so handsome today?
hao: i'm handsome everyday!
rui: oh really?
hao: yea
rui: well you're right
hao: yea
rui: this hair colour is nice right?
hao: oh yes totally.. the blue hue has faded so you look more expensive
rui: but zhang hao's face is v expensive
mini compilation of hao reacting to his zb1 members in japanese in tiny
hao quietly asking what 제생중 (actual word is 재생중 which means like "now playing" but they changed the consonant to match with the 제 in zb1's name) and everyone explaining so he goes "제로베이스원 생방송 중?" (zb1 is livestreaming now)
he got asked if hanbin helped with the tutting incorporated in the over me choreo and he said to wait for next week's broadcast lmao and i think he's saying "just wait one week" twitter.com/curiouszhangha…
[ over me ] mcountdown pre-recording anecdotes translations from 230412
multiple posts on pann about this issue that are still trending too since last night, i'll share some comments to take note of in the thread: twitter.com/eungaeplanet/s…