BOBI WINE(@HEBobiwine)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

The students of Uganda are finally reclaiming their voice. Congrats comrade Nasasira Bill Clinton, Guild President Mbarara University on your election as President, Uganda National Students Association (UNSA). Thank you and the @NUP_Ug Institutions Team team for beating the odds!
Police and the military blocked us from reaching Busabala for our press conference about police brutality, injustice and abuse of authority. A citizen cannot be allowed to access his private property.People teargassed, beaten, Many arrested. We shall overcome. #EnoughIsEnough
Uganda Vs Kenya Kassim (The Dream) Ouma 26th December Boxing day. Lugogo Cricket Oval.
This is what police in Nwoya District Anaka Town Council under the command of the DPC of Nwoya a one Wayibi & RDC a one Beatrice Akole are doing to us right now just at the roadblock that they have mounted to block us from accessing accommodation in Nwoya. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Earlier today, I returned my forms and was successfully nominated to run as presidential flag bearer for the National Unity Platform, in the upcoming presidential election. I am grateful for the confidence bestowed on me by the Members of the Platform. Now let's get to work!
Today, 8 comrades who recently staged a peaceful protest calling for the prosecution of the Speaker of Parliament, MPs, Ministers and other individuals who stole ironsheets meant for the poor people of Karamoja have instead been charged with "assaulting" a police officer...
Yes, our pledges are achievable & realistic, if we only refocus our energies on the next generation and not the next general election! Find our full manifesto on this link:……
Kassim Migadde was picked up by a 'drone' on Dec 10th 2020. Gravely tortured and then charged before the military court with putting on a red beret. He has spent a full year and one month under illegal detention! Today, he was released on bail. #FreeAllPoliticalPrisonersUganda
We didn't say "Reduce the tax" We said #ThisTaxMustGo…
The Police and army under the command of a one Asiimwe Abraham, Tusingwire Caesar, Niwebyoona and others frustrated all our efforts to reach Tororo but our people waited at one of the junctions and we talked to them amidst teargas and gun shots. #weareremovingadictator
Humbling recognition from the African Young Leaders' Summit, 2019. I am grateful to all young leaders across Africa who selected me for this award. I dedicate it to all comrades and friends who sacrifice daily to see that Uganda and Africa get better. Aluta continua
Today we went back back to #Arua for the first time ever since the 13th of August last year when we were brutally arrested and tortured by the state.
Highlights from the State Of Our Nation Address; June 2022
This evening at Magere, we were delighted to receive back these four comrades who were released by the military court after spending two years under illegal detention at Kitalya. The four are Ronald Mayiga, Richard Nyombi, Shafik Ngobi and Kenneth Kamanya.
Dr Andrew Lutakome Kayiira THE PRICE OF FREEDOM!
1192… My latest collaboration 'Brothers in Freedom', bringing to the fore why Ukraine is important to Africa -- humanity is indivisible.
Our @NUP_Ug Deputy President, Buganda Region and Head of our Parliamentary team is one year older. Wishing you a very happy birthday Rt. Hon. @MathiasMpuuga. Thank you for everything you do to advance the cause! #AccountabilityAndService
Wouldn't be surprising, as there are reports that the same person bribed some Committee's members 6 million each and eventually many MPs 2+ million each to vote to remove Hon. Zaake from the Commission. Press on, Hon. Ssenyonyi!…
The dysfunction continues- sparing no single public entity! How on earth? A Human Rights Commission positioning itself as an arch-defender of human rights violators? Over the years, its own annual reports have consistently pinned security agencies on topping violations! 1/2
My thoughts are with the families of artistes who were involved in an accident along Semuto - Kapeeka road that claimed four lives including Lady Grace of 'layila layila fame' and Kabuye Saidi a Kadongo Kamu artist. Praying for Alimpa Ronald of the 'lusuku lwa cement'.
In times like these, only music can best express what one feels. For that matter, We've released another tune #Osobola. I hope it speaks to you all out there.
These five artists were today picked up by security operatives and are being illegally detained. Their crime? Speaking the truth! We shall be demanding for their unconditional release. We're making a clarion call to all artists to rkse and fulfill their historical mission .
Today I celebrate a brother, a friend and a comrade. May you have a reflective and positive day. God has already used you to bless our country, am sure he's still going to use you for great things. Happy birthday kablaza @DavidLRubongoya 👊🏾
Yesterday, the army distanced itself from knowing Mr. Kibalama's whereabouts, even when soldiers are deployed at his home. Today, they confirmed he is under their custody! Dictatorships are usually not very intelligent. If you must do such shameful things, at least be a bit smart