BOBI WINE(@HEBobiwine)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Meanwhile, as they do these incredible violations on us, the paranoid 35 year old regime continues to deport foreign journalists, diplomats, NGO staff, etc. The motive is clear- they want to commit atrocities without anyone watching!…
Our lives are in danger! After blocking us in Kayunga, on the way to Jinja, they blocked the main road & diverted us to a remote road. As if to set us into a 'kill spot', they shot the tyres of my car and directly into our windscreen, narrowly missing Hon Zaake and my driver.
Bobi Wine stepped out of the car to question military officers why they were shooting at him and his team. This was their response! - Admin
Our crime is preaching a message of change. Our crime is campaigning in an election. Our crime is moving across the country. Our crime is being received by our people with love. And Gen. Museveni has determined that the penalty for this crime is torture, brutalisation and death.
The military & police yet again attacked us in Kayunga! They've shot and severely injured several team members including my producer Dan Magic & a police officer attached to me, ASP Kato. Many in a critical condition. Nearby clinics being teargassed. Pray for us. Pray for Uganda
I just want to do God's will, and yes let thy will be done oh Lord! May your people be #Free! #WeAreRemovingADictator #14thJan2021
Tonight at 7:45pm, I will be addressing the nation about the state of our campaign, and other matters of national importance. The address will be relayed live on Facebook and other social media channels. #WeAreRemovingADictator
The future of Uganda is it's young people. They must be listened to & their outcries must be made priority. In the New Uganda, the youth will be priority for investment especially in education, health care and skills. Everyone must be involved & respected. #WeAreRemovingADictator
The people of Luwero have made it unequivocal that they have a duty to remove the dictator they helped create. For them, it has been a story of betray and shattered hope. They are taking the leading role in the struggle for freedom and democracy! #WeAreRemovingADictator
Special thanks to the media personnel who travel with us from place to place. They endure a lot of hardship! Regularly arrested, beaten and tear-gassed. When we're blocked from hotels, they'll sleep on the roadside too. Yet in all this, they don't give up. THANK YOU #14thJan2021
They remove or hide number plates. Some cover faces so no one identifies them. They remove name tags off uniforms. It's clear they come with orders to commit crime. These too are Ugandans under captivity- ordered to carry out atrocities on their own people. They too need freedom.
Luke 23:34: Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” And the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice.…
We are passing through tough and uncertain times. Who knows what tomorrow might bring? Even then, we hope! This hope keeps up moving. This hope keeps us energised. Yes, this hope keeps us focused on the prize. That prize is a New Uganda! Thank you Kassanda #WeAreRemovingADictator
The overwhelming love we received from the people of Kiboga is testament that our long time message of hope and freedom has reached the countryside. Uganda is ready for change. #WeAreRemovingADictator #14thjan2021
Despite the hurdles last night, we started the day in high spirits; not allowing these trials and tribulations to break our resolve. Kyankwanzi has been great. The yearning for change is all over the nation. #WeAreRemovingADictator
Our plan to spend the night in Hoima was frustrated as police blocked all roads. We drove to Migera but police under DPC Patience Namara and OC Byaruhanga ordered all hotels not to host us. We had to spend the night on the roadside, sleeping in vehicles! In our own country!!!
On our way to Kyankwanzi via Hoima, all roads were blocked by police saying they had orders not to allow us through. We decided to spend the night in Migera but DPC Patience Namara and OC Byarugaba ordered all hotels not to host us. We're now stuck and sleeping by the roadside.
This morning, we submitted other formal complaints to the Electoral Commission about the ongoing violations! We've done this in part to respond to the Chairperson, EC who claimed not to be aware of the grave persecution and harassment we've faced since the start of the campaigns!
We were once again blocked from accessing our scheduled campaign venue in Masindi but the energy witnessed from the people of Bunyoro is testament that our nation is ready for change. #WeAreRemovingAdictator #14thJan2021
Blocked from the main roads; blocked from reaching the towns; people are constantly harassed, beaten and prevented from coming to our campaigns by the military, but the people of Buliisa made a statement today. #WeAreRemovingADictator #14thJan2021
We paid to appear on Spice FM Radio in Hoima. As soon as I got to the radio this morning, the military and police raided it and ordered the host to immediately stop the talk-show! As these violations go on, the Electoral Commission looks on. UGANDA WILL BE FREE. WE SHALL BE FREE