Let each one of us be as disturbed and as determined to cause change.
Together as a PEOPLE UNITED, we CAN and MUST remove #DictatorMuseveni and build a #NewUganda.
And to all Ugandans who are angry disturbed & disgusted, we need to have an honest conversation about the direction of the struggle against dictatorship in this country. It is the oppressor and not the oppressed who defines the course of the struggle.
Reading all your comments and thoughts, it seems clear that Museveni is pushing the people of Uganda to the limits. I want to assure all our people that we are listening to you. We must remember that each one of us has an equal stake in this country.
By doing the unthinkable, Museveni miscalculated! I'm glad this happened. Those who had doubt can now clearly see. All countries which care for democracy must now take a stand. You simply cannot continue supporting an absolute dictator who isn't shy about it. It's reprehensible!
What happened in Kayunga is just a microcosm of what #DictatorMuseveni did in Jan! That's why he switched off the internet & ordered the media to only cover his EC. That's why he abducted thousands and hunted those who had our DR forms! To date, some of them are still in prison.
I have uploaded on Facebook, copies of the original, signed Declaration of Results (DR) forms from Kayunga. The final tally gives us 15,000 votes ahead of #DictatorMuseveni 's candidate. Yet, they had the guts to declare different results!
Link: m.facebook.com/story.php?stor…
Some of our agents who have tried to protest have been pushed out of the Tally Centre. Be woke!
Kayunga: Our agents are reporting massive fraud at the Tally Centre. From our independent tally of 335 out of 338 duly signed original DR Forms, we are leading with a difference of 15,000 votes. They're adding their candidate hundreds of votes at several polling stations!
Kayunga, BIG TINGS a'gwan! 😂😎
Despite the MASSIVE RIGGING, ARRESTS of our people, blocking me from campaign, etc, the results so far show that the PEOPLE OF KAYUNGA overwhelmed the rigging machine. Time to be even more vigilant at the Tally Centre!
Some of our leaders deployed to guard the vote in Kayunga at the police station. Last night the military arrested and detained many of others. Military regimes like Museveni's do unthinkable actions in their evenings. This is not a sign of strength.
First two pictures - a few relatives and friends of Gen. Abel Kandiho, the sanctioned human rights abuser protesting his sanctions under police protection. Second set, medical doctors arrested and detained for attempting to protest against poor welfare!
More updates coming in from Kayunga- vehicles without number plates transporting pre-ticked ballot papers. Our people in Kayunga intercepted this car, but the occupants brandished a gun and sped off.
In Namayumba, this is how the ballot paper appears! The voters have been told to go ahead and vote, and use a pen to write NUP! The Electoral Commission clearly part of the conspiracy.
More NUP polling agents being arrested from polling stations in Kayunga. There has been massive ballot stuffing. By 6am, at many polling stations, ballot boxes were full. #DictatorMuseveni and his people on rampage! UGANDA 🇺🇬, we must resist the foolery!
They can stop me from reaching the people, but they cannot stop the music.
Doctors arrested with highhandedness as they attempt to exercise their right to walk to Parliament to protest for better welfare. Like I always say, we shall all need to join in the fight against misrule because all of us are potential victims- ALL OF US.
#WeAreRemovingADictator twitter.com/ntvuganda/stat…
My home is still surrounded by the military- under house arrest. In Kayunga, #DictatorMuseveni showed up surrounded by military trucks. In Kampala, there's heavy deployment too. The illegitimate regime fears the people. The PEOPLE will eventually win.
We have checked at Kasangati police station but he is not there. I cannot imagine what they are doing to him now, but I pray he returns alive. These are the kinds of injustices that keep us struggling. 5/5
And so 'Uncle Sharif' as our kids call him was today morning yet again violently arrested, beaten up and bundled into a 'drone' van which took him to an unknown destination. For no reason whatsoever, the thugs jumped over the fence and took him away, beating him mercilessly. 4/5
Almost each time they surround my home, he's been the first victim of humiliation and torture. He first came to work for us under a private security company. At the time whenever they surrounded my home, they disarmed him and took him to cells for as long as they stayed. 2/5