We found poorly paid police officers carrying brand new guns! You all remember how much money in billions was spent 'buying off' some of our supporters! This is what the regime does. They don't care about your healthcare or welfare. All they care about is how to keep in power.
Sumy was particularly active in the run up to and during the 2021 presidential campaigns during which she extensively covered and reported on much of our mostly-violent experiences. [She took the last photo on this post]
Be brave and be fearless, and for God's sake, stand up for yourself Joel. Don't allow to be intimidated. Not at all. twitter.com/JoelSsenyonyi/…
He could have chosen to keep quiet and remain neutral which is always safer, but as Archbishop Desmond Tutu cautions, "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.
He is encouraged by the great display of love he received from the thousands of fellow prisoners who have been defiantly chanting and singing songs of freedom from the time he arrived there. Even when he is not permitted to interact with, or even be seen by most of them.
We for example recall him speak of being misled to fund the 2011 election! And the scandals that rocked BOU later. When institutions are personalised by a corrupt regime, it's difficult to avoid scandals, regardless of the intentions and expertise of the officials leading them.
And so 'Uncle Sharif' as our kids call him was today morning yet again violently arrested, beaten up and bundled into a 'drone' van which took him to an unknown destination. For no reason whatsoever, the thugs jumped over the fence and took him away, beating him mercilessly. 4/5
If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse & you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality."
May his memory be blessed & may we be guided by his example, to always stand for what is true, just & fair even in the face of difficult odds.
I thank the other candidates, especially our sister in the struggle, Eunice Namatende and the FDC party for running a good race.
I welcome Honorable Basalirwa to the 10th Parliament. We are lucky to have him join us, and the people of Bugiri are lucky to have him represent them.
We must understand that oppression knows no elite!
But NEVER from our blood! twitter.com/mugumya/status…
Like every unpopular, corrupt regime, they must rent support in order to survive. But they never survive longer! While they did this, they violently disrupted an event organised by our comrades in Jinja. Many are still in hospital nursing injuries! Why we must fight harder!
Door to door Campaign in Bugiri for @BasalirwaAsuman
Thank you Siima. They can stop the media appearance but can never stop our quest for freedom! twitter.com/kanyindo/statu…
They drove at breakneck speed & after a long ride, we got to Kiira then headed to Gayaza road until I was eventually dropped at my home in Magere.
As a leader I can only come in to offer guidance and advice here and there whenever I have time. Therefore, in a few hours, I will give my position.
A blessed Sunday to you all.
The writing is on the wall that they are ready for change. May our coming together in these elections and other activities energize all of us to believe that united, we shall bring the despot down.
📷 @NinyeTabz
This 29th day of June marks a turning point in the politics of our country! History has... fb.me/6uQR7CjhT
In this article, we examine the steps taken to combat #COVID19 thus far, and make proposals for the short, medium and long term.
ROBERT KYAGULANYI SENTAMU - COVID-19: Uganda Must Take Robust Measures to Defeat the Coronavirus Pandemic | The Elephant theelephant.info/features/2020/…