The military & police are arresting people found distributing appointment letters for our polling agents ahead of tomorrow's election! In Lira, Moroto, etc, persons coordinating this are detained & materials confiscated. The EC is yet to respond to our urgent calls to intervene
If the Prime Minister thinks Seattle is in the UK, why should we be surprised when the Chief Justice thinks KLM is a presidential jet? Increasingly, the only qualification for a job in Museveni's government is singing praises for his dictatorship. Everything else doesn't matter
Met with the @EUinUG Delegation. Appreciated the EU for its role in fostering democracy and reiterated our non-violent approach, even in the face of extreme provocation. We hope the friends of Uganda will support the citizens' call for accountability after a rigged election
Lost count of how many international journalists have told us they've been denied visas of accreditation to come to Uganda and cover the election! This is in addition to government deliberately refusing to invite observers perceived to be very objective!
10 days now, the police & military continue to lay siege on our party headquarters in Kamwokya, Kampala. No body is allowed to go in. They've not given us any reason. The regime is determined to frustrate all our work. We're also determined not to give up.
Great pleasure meeting Secretary @HillaryClinton on the sidelines of the @AspenInstitute's Ministers' Forum in the Czech Republic. As the world faces a general decline in democratic rule, we're coming together with different leaders to discuss how to spark a democratic resurgence
Ate kasita nsiba ettaayi emyufu nga omanya...
Ntwitinga mu Luganda kubanga sagala kwemalako luzungu lwange kati, nja kulwetaaga ku sawa kumi anti kulabisa.kom
UPDATE: Bobi Wine driven in police truck, and dropped at home. His home now surrounded by police and the military.
~ Admin
While Museveni calls me a foreign agent, these are the facts. foreignaffairs.com/articles/afric…
Upon my return to Uganda last night, I travelled straight to Gulu to personally deliver my condolences to the family, the people and leadership of Acholi.
I was humbled to be recieved by the prime minister of Acholi this morning and hosted to lunch by the elders. Priceless!
This is how citizens are kidnapped in broad daylight by Gen. Museveni and his armed gangs & then taken to unknown places where they are tortured! We cannot and should not allow this to continue. Citizens must and will fight back against this lawlessness.
In Dubai to perform at a charity concert to assist some of the Ugandan immigrant workers. Been held at the airport for almost 10 hours, being interrogated mostly about NUP! My phone and passport have now been returned. Hopefully things go as planned. Will give an update. Thanks
The military and police have yet again surrounded my residence, as Gen. Museveni prepares to illegally swear himself in this Wednesday! The coward is fully aware that he's illegitimate, and that's why he's very scared of the people. Hang in there comrades. We shall overcome