蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen(@iingwen)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

#Taiwan shone bright at this year’s @WorldSkills Competition, taking 3rd place in the overall medal tally. Today I had the privilege of welcoming our competitors to the Presidential Office & recognising them for their dedication & outstanding performances on the world stage.
シンポジウムのために台湾にお越しくださった自民党の萩生田光一政調会長と会いました。自民党の政調会長が台湾を訪問するのは19年ぶりのことです。 台日関係や地域情勢について踏み込んだ議論を行い、実に有意義な意見交換でした。 明日のシンポジウムの盛会をお祈りします。
Congratulations to @FortifyRights on receiving the @TFDemocracy Asia Democracy and Human Rights Award. Your advocacy for the Rohingya people of #Myanmar has inspired #Taiwan & people around the world in our work to advance human rights & spur meaningful change. twitter.com/FortifyRights/…
On International Human Rights Day #IHRD2022, I want to reiterate #Taiwan's commitment to upholding the rights & dignity of all people in our country & around the world. Let us work together to defend our shared values & protect our fundamental rights.
I had the privilege of meeting a group of truly inspiring people & honouring them for their achievements. With an incredible zest for life, each of these awardees has had a positive impact on the world. english.president.gov.tw/News/6409
Delighted to welcome #Idaho’s @GovernorLittle back to #Taiwan. We are grateful for your longstanding support for Taiwan & look forward to expanding our commercial ties with your state & our friends across the #US.
Enjoyed meeting with Chair @AndzelWaldemar & his fellow members of the Polish parliament's @PLParliament #Poland-#Taiwan friendship group. Our like-minded nations stand in solidarity with #Ukraine & will continue to strengthen our cooperation on all fronts.
A pleasure to see @AmbElliott again & welcome our friends from the NCAFP @NATLCOMMITTEE to Taiwan. We are grateful for your efforts to promote #Taiwan-#US ties, as we continue to work alongside our partners in the US & around the world to safeguard our shared values & security.
Delighted to welcome @aliciakearns & her fellow MPs to #Taiwan. We are grateful for your support & will continue to work with the #UK to safeguard our shared values & uphold regional peace & stability.
Enjoyed meeting with leaders from the German Marshall Fund @gmfus earlier today. I trust our discussions will help advance cooperation between #Taiwan & our transatlantic partners to strengthen our collective security.
A pleasure to welcome #SaintLucia Prime Minister @PhilipJPierreLC to #Taiwan. I wish you & your delegation a fruitful visit & look forward to deepening our cooperation for the benefit of our peoples.
Grateful to have #TSMC founder Morris Chang represent us again at this year’s @APEC. #Taiwan is committed to engaging with our neighbours & stakeholders across the Asia Pacific region to advance sustainable development & economic prosperity for all.
Welcome to #Taiwan, #Nauru President Russ Kun. I look forward to working with you & your administration to strengthen our countries' longstanding alliance & expand cooperation to advance the well-being of our peoples.
Pleased to meet with Senator @TomDaschle & the Center for American Progress @amprog delegation. As steadfast democratic partners, #Taiwan & the #US will continue working together to bolster global democratic resilience & uphold peace & stability in the Indo-Pacific region.
Great to welcome Minister @GregHands of the #UK Department for International Trade @tradegovuk back to #Taiwan & meet with him earlier today. We look forward to working with the UK to build on our flourishing trade ties & wide-ranging partnership. twitter.com/GregHands/stat…
A very warm welcome to #StKittsandNevis PM Terrance Drew & his delegation. We thank you for your support for #Taiwan & are delighted to have this opportunity to renew our countries’ longstanding partnership & explore future cooperation.
Pleasure to meet with participants in this year's Taipei Security Dialogue, hosted by our Institute for National Defense & Security Research @INDSRTW. #Taiwan welcomes cooperation with like-minded partners to enhance our collective defense & democratic resilience.
Enjoyed a productive meeting with members of @ipacglobal to discuss the global democratic community’s response to authoritarian expansion. We are grateful to IPAC & parliamentarians around the world for supporting #Taiwan & look forward to expanding our cooperation.
10월 29일 밤 이태원 압사 사고에 대하여 대만 정부와 인민들은 깊은 애도와 심심한 위로의 마음을 전합니다. 또한 이번 사고로 유명을 달리하신 고인의 명복을 빌며, 부상자들의 조속한 회복을 기원합니다.
Honoured to meet with lawmakers & leaders from #Ukraine & #Lithuania. #Taiwan stands with our partners around the world in the face of authoritarian expansion & we are strengthening democratic alliances to address our shared challenges.
Great to meet with a cross-party delegation from the #Taiwan caucus of the Indonesian House of Representatives @DPR_RI. We deeply value our friendship with #Indonesia & look forward to even closer cooperation to advance the well-being of both our peoples.
野田秀樹さんの舞台『Q:A Night At The Kabuki』、台湾上陸です!台湾でもファンが多い松たか子さん、それに川上隆也さん、広瀬すずさん、志尊淳さんなど豪華俳優陣の舞台に期待が高まります。台湾をたっぷり満喫して下さいね。台湾は10/13に入国規制を緩和しました。日本の皆さん、ぜひ台湾へ!
Pleased to mark continued progress in #Taiwan-#EU commercial ties at the 2022 EU Investment Forum. I look forward to even closer cooperation between our public & private sectors, as we work to strengthen the resilience of our supply chains & promote economic transformation.
An honour to speak at the #WM11Assembly & share #Taiwan’s commitment to democracy with friends from around the world. In the face of constant authoritarian aggression, strengthening cooperation with like-minded partners is key to defending our shared values & way of life.