蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen(@iingwen)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Today marks 8 weeks since our last locally transmitted case, meaning that today also marks the start of our new way of life post-#COVID19. I want to thank all of the heroes who made this possible.
Greeting my good friends from the #US the #Taiwan way. Remember: to better prevent the spread of #COVID19, say no to a handshake & yes to this friendly gesture. #拱手不握手 Check it out:
I was honoured to address the people of Taiwan & all our friends watching around the world at this year’s 🇹🇼 #TaiwanNationalDay. We can be #ProudOfTaiwan for what we have achieved this year, & should now look to the future to build a better #Taiwan & a better world.
On behalf of the government & the people of Taiwan, wishing @POTUS & @FLOTUS a swift recovery. Yes, we will get through this together. twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
いち早く台湾入りし、祝意を表してくれた大橋光夫日本台湾交流協会会長に心から感謝申し上げます。 台湾と日本は何ものにも代えがたい特別な絆によって結ばれており、その関係は今後も一層進展することを確信しております。
#Taiwan is proud to support the people of #Ukraine in their time of need with a humanitarian donation of medical supplies. Our country & people #StandWithUkraine.
Cookie & I tuned into the Taiwan @CPBL’s Opening Day, from home of course, to cheer on our outstanding athletes. Tune in every Tuesday-Sunday with us!
It's not every day that you can get a good picture of A-tsai. He's usually such a shy boy. 🐱
台湾では最近、マスク着用の規制がさらに緩和されました。そんな折、日本の雑誌 @BRUTUS_mag が「久しぶりの海外は、まず台湾から始めよう」と題し、台湾特集を出したそうです。その通りです!長らく台湾パワーを感じていない日本の皆さんには、一日も早く、台湾に来てほしいですね!(via BRUTUS/IG)
本場の台湾グルメで日本から来た友人をおもてなし 日本でも人気のタピオカミルクティーとパイナップルケーキを用意し、@seinenkyoku自民党青年局台湾訪問団を歓迎しました。今回の交流を通して、台湾と日本の友情が一層深められるよう願っています!
I visited an all-women artillery battalion to see them in action & thank everyone for their selfless dedication. It was encouraging to see that even as our military has been indispensable in the fight against #COVID19, they continue to train & remain ready to defend #Taiwan.
LIVE:2020 🇹🇼 Taiwan National Day Celebration Ceremony ⭐10:20 President Tsai Ing-wen’s National Day Address #ProudOfTaiwan twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
My heartfelt thanks to the delegation from Japan led by former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori to pay their respects to former President Lee. We will strive to honour President Lee’s legacy by continuing to deepen the treasured friendship between our nations. bit.ly/2DsxkxD
#Taiwan stands on democracy's first line of defense, in the face of increasing threats from authoritarian actors. We will not give in, & will continue working with our democratic partners across the world to enhance our collective resilience.
Utterly saddened to see the images of #HongKong police firing rubber bullets at protesters. To the people of Hong Kong: you may feel your demands for freedom seem to fall on deaf ears, please know that all like-minded friends in #Taiwan & around the world are standing with you.
In our battle against #COVID19, social media reminds us that we’re #StrongerTogether. As my Twitter reaches 1 million followers, I want to thank you for supporting #Taiwan. I’ll keep sharing stories about how #TaiwanCanHelp, & I hope you’ll keep sharing your stories with me:
I want to once again thank all the everyday heroes in our fight against #COVID19 for helping make this inauguration ceremony possible. I also want to thank all those who attended or sent us their best wishes from around the world.
Wishing everyone a happy Easter from #Taiwan. Let us all take heart in this day’s new hope & renewed life, & remember that light can shine through even the darkest of times. #StrongerTogether
NHKの単独インタビューを受けました。私はこの機会を借り、香港で起こったデモに対する取締りが強化されていることに強い懸念を表明しました。何より、「今日の台湾」が「明日の香港」になるのを希望し、台湾のように民主主義や言論の自由が保障されることは極めて重要です。 twitter.com/nhk_news/statu…
The power of Taiwan’s SMEs never ceases to amaze me. I’m proud to announce that as of this week, Taiwan’s Face Mask Team now has the capacity to produce an average of 9.2 million masks per day, & 10 million masks per day on weekdays. Yes, 10,000,000!
森喜朗元総理が労を厭わず、怪我を押して李登輝元総統の追悼のために再びお運びいただいたことを心より感謝申し上げます。 お互いのオリンピックチームのユニホームを交換し、来年の東京オリンピックが開催されることを楽しみにしています。