蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen(@iingwen)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

お久しぶりです!中華文化総会 @gacc_twが主催する台日交流イベント「TAIWAN PLUS @Taiwan_Plus」が、3年ぶりに東京の上野公園に戻ってきます!
When it comes to #Taiwanese treats, our pineapple cakes are always at the top of the list. Have you ever tried one? #パイナップルケーキ を食べたことありますよね?パイナップルケーキといっても、台湾にはいろいろな種類があります。皆さんが好きなパイナップルケーキを教えてください!
A big, big congratulations to our men's #badminton duo, Lee Yang 李洋 & Wang Chi-lin 王齊麟! After an amazing #Tokyo2020 run that brought smiles to our faces, you're bringing home #TeamTaiwan's first ever gold in badminton! twitter.com/Olympics/statu…
I'm saddened by the news that @joshuawongcf, @chowtingagnes & Ivan Lam have been jailed for their activism. These brave young people are symbols of freedom & democracy in #HongKong, values that we will never stop fighting for.
いつも台湾を重視してくださる安倍首相に感謝します。台湾で災害があるたびに、日本の皆さまは私たちに支援の手を差し伸べてくださいました。私たちはそのことをしっかりと覚えています。これからも台湾と日本は互いに助け合っていきましょう。 twitter.com/AbeShinzo/stat…
なんと台湾を訪れる日本人客が史上初の200万人に超えました!それに5回以上のリピーターが2割もいます! これからはお正月の連休が始まりますので、家族みんなで「台湾のひみつ」を読んで、台湾に来てくださいね! japan.cna.com.tw/news/atra/2019…
Thank you @SpeakerMcCarthy for the warm welcome. It's a pleasure to be back at the @Reagan_Library & enjoying the #California sunshine as we work to strengthen the bond between #Taiwan & the #US.
香港の人々に捧ぐ 闇は、闇を追い払うことはできない。光だけがそれを可能にする。 —キング牧師 For Everyone in #HongKong: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.” —Martin Luther King Jr.
With China initiating military exercises in areas around Taiwan today, we call on Beijing to act with reason & exercise restraint. Taiwan will not escalate conflict, but we will resolutely defend our sovereignty, our security & our democracy. youtube.com/watch?v=WJEWyl…
I invite you to pay your respects to our beloved former President Lee Teng-hui, who planted the seeds of a Taiwan identity that have blossomed into our vibrant democracy:
旧暦の正月ですので、再びですが、新年おめでとうございます! さて、今年台湾に修学旅行に来られる高校生の皆さん、ぜひ総統府にも来てくださいね! 「いいね!総統府!」 #likeit總統府
Today marks the 33rd anniversary of the Tiananmen Square incident. As authoritarian forces seek to erase the reality of June 4th, we renew our commitment to free speech, democracy & preserving the memory of those who gave their lives in pursuit of these values.
This is a day of mourning for me & all Taiwanese with the passing of our former President Lee Teng-hui. He laid the foundation for a democracy built on pride & our own identity, & his legacy will guide generations of Taiwanese to face the challenges ahead with courage.
この一年間台湾を支持して下さった皆様に、感謝の気持ちを込めてこの動画をお届けします。 特に日本からは官民問わず、そしてTwitterを通しても、台湾支持の声が多く寄せられました。私は、台湾と日本が良き隣国として助け合い、絆を深めてきたことを世界中の人々に知って欲しいと願っています。
In times of crisis, countries around the world must come together. #Taiwan is indispensable to global efforts to stop the spread of #COVID19, but no country can stop this virus alone. That is why we are willing to offer medical supplies to countries most in need.
Today is our 🇹🇼 National Day, an occasion to mark the achievements of our country & the people of #Taiwan. The online stream of our annual celebration will go live here on my Twitter account at 8:55 (Taipei time), with performances starting at 9:00 and my address at 10:25.
Thank you to all of the ambassadors & representatives from around the world who attended our inauguration ceremony today. Although we had to maintain social distance, I could still feel the warmth of your congratulations & best wishes.
#Taiwan has suffered at the hands of an authoritarian regime & media persecution in the past. Because of this experience, we know the value of defending freedom & human rights, and support the people of #HongKong in striving for a society that upholds these ideals.
Although many may not be able to spend the holidays with loved ones this year, this Christmas I hope we can all share a spirit of togetherness to get us through these tough times. I hope everyone enjoys a very Merry Christmas & takes special care in the coming year.
Tomorrow, the power rests in our hands. Let’s show the world that the light of democracy burns strong in #Taiwan. Get out & vote! #Taiwan2020 #LetsWin2020